40 Mill <br><br>Would you be interested in one of my layouts? I can make them look like pretty much anything. Example in my www, but it's not a very good example, because it's still a work in progress xD
I'm actually not sure, I don't have a clue how much arty stuff sells for these days xD I stuck a post in the Artists Alley asking for some pricing help, so when I find out I'll let you know ^_^;<br><br>And really? o_O The iframe links should bring up the new information in the same text box on the kennel page. What browser do you use? I tested it in Firefox 3.5.13 and IE 8 and the links work. Weird o.O
thats oober silly! i have that e symbol thing, old and crappy thats probolly why. Just let me know, and I will bumo that off your price from bidding (;