I hate my parents.<br> Dad- Drinks to much "grownfolk drinks" is never home, is a bad dad, husband , and never spends time with me. You complain im not active, when I try you dont help. I want to practice for a game, but your to busy with friends, "work" or the little ones spors, who are only 5 years old. <br> <br><br>Mom- Your a vile woman. Your nasty and rechid and I honestly Hate you. Your stupid, and a horrible mom. Thankgod I dont live with you or id be misreble. I cant even look at you. Your other duaghter who I refuse to call my sisters is stupid, and its because of your parenting. She has no friends because she knows nothing and is a rotten nasty brat who still craps herself at age 12. You-are-disgusting. I hate youfor saying "its ok hunny, come inside" when I ran away, and when i came in yu grabed my ponytail drgagged me around beating my face. You wonder why they took me away from you. I chould go on for hours.... <br><br> Step dad- Your just plain dumb. Your a bid child who is a rotten father, husband, liar, cheater, hate you more then the rest. <br><br>Step mom- I sort of like you, but you choose your real kids over me. Why do you say im on games to much, but when I actully try to go outside, I get in trouble? Why is it I cant do MY things because they have stuff to do? Why, can I just do ONE activity without it interfering with your sons who are all under 5 years old? Why do they get 200$ shoes but i shop at payless (luv payless, my point is if I go over 20$ for something like shoes she gets soooo mad, but she has never bought cheap stuff for them?<br> <br> I honestly hate life now. Everything is wrong. Friends, family..... mom lives in TN, i have to wach my sister grow up the way she is because of her mom and erik, and now my new little brother will grow up the same. NOw that I type I relize I have no life, and It makes me mad. I have soooooooo many freiends at school, im actull kind of popular but when I try to do stuff I cant. No ren cant go to the movies, derrick has a soccer game. No she cant practice volleyball, her little brothers are doing football, no you cant have a candy bar, I spent to much on the boys today, no ren your limits 20 i already gave the boys 500$. My mom told my family I called her a nasty looser (and much more choice words) wich I did not and now that side hates me.