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The best kind of teachers

Well I have a teacher. First impression- weird, lame, lazy eye, stirct...... all right accept the strict.<br> I got in big trouble for passing a note to a friend (im the kid, Ren stop talking, Ren read that aloud to the class, Ren if you want to talk in class, call you mom!) and he was like let me see your stat sheet. A stat sheet is a sheet that gives you freebies, like late passe on HW, and instead of calling home, get a thing signed, but i lost my stat sheet. He said see me after class, and we did and istead of being a butt he just gave me another stat sheet, and other kids asked for ones and didnt get one because he said they wherent aloud. On top of that he seems lame, but hes super easy, super nice, though really boring..... and everyone hates him? Some people, jsut because hes not mr fun dosent mean hate him!
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