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Ugg My Teachers...

edited September 2010 in Vent
I got in trouble cause i thought my friend wanted to copy a few anwsers from our homework.She was at the doctor all day cause she broke her finger. So my teacher took our papers away and made us write a note to our moms. I dont want to get in trouble with my mom cause i made 2 F's in mid-terms


  • I can understand why a teacher wouldn't want someone copying their work off of a friend. You have to do the work in order to understand the concept. People that copy often do poorly on tests because they relied on others to do the work for them, and never learned how to do it themselves. If your friend was out and never learned it, she should go to the teacher. Next time, perhaps offer to help her instead. =)
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • I see but i dont want my mom to see the note :\
  • aww im sorry :(<br>i get fs to lol thats why im still in 6th grade science but math he just put me behind in even though i get good grades in math
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • It was only spelling. Im in 6th too. I feel like im going to get grounded
  • lol cool bout 6th grade <br>sorry :(
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • The best thing to do is be honest with your mom. Just tell her that you were only trying to help your friend because she has been out, and that you won't do it again. The next time someone asks to copy your work, just tell them "I'd love to help you, but I can't give you the answers because I've already gotten in trouble for that."
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • Ah thanks. I hope i dont get in trouble.
  • I agree with Luv =) Next time just offer them your help not your answers. I cant tell you not to copy though because honestly i do it as well and im in 12th grade this year.. im just too lazy to actually do it.. i pass my tests just dont like wasting my free time on the homework >.> i know its wrong to copy though and i hate to see people in trouble so, offer your help =D Dont be like me xD
  • xD Haha nice!!! I didnt get in that much trouble. :\
  • Garnet wrote:
    I agree with Luv =) Next time just offer them your help not your answers. I cant tell you not to copy though because honestly i do it as well and im in 12th grade this year.. <span style="font-weight:bold">im just too lazy to actually do it</span>.. i pass my tests just dont like wasting my free time on the homework >.> i know its wrong to copy though and i hate to see people in trouble so, offer your help =D Dont be like me xD
  • Garnet wrote:
    I agree with Luv =) Next time just offer them your help not your answers. I cant tell you not to copy though because honestly i do it as well and im in 12th grade this year.. <span style="font-weight:bold">im just too lazy to actually do it</span>.. i pass my tests just dont like wasting my free time on the homework >.> i know its wrong to copy though and i hate to see people in trouble so, offer your help =D Dont be like me xD
    <br><br>Hey now! You know for a fact that I COULD do my pre-cal if i wanted xD You saw how fast i got those problems done in class today xD
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