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What do you do to study?

My first exam for college is in a couple days... and I'm like, really freaking out right now D: Ive been kind of scanning over my notes for a week or so, but nothing is really absorbing very well ;;<br><br>So, what do all of you do to study? Maybe I can get some advice. I honestly never studied through high school (yet somehow got A's in all my classes...) but, college is supposed to be way harder, so I'm assuming its way harder which means I should be studying. But, having not studied my whole life pretty much, I'm really unprepared with ways to study. I know just reading my notes is not really helping... I tend to think of other things while Im reading them, which means Im really getting nowhere >.<
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  • One of the best ways I found was to make key cards. So summarise each topic in say 6-8 questions of the key points and learn those and the answers. I did it with each lecture at uni. It really helps
  • I find that just writing something down helps me to remember it. One thing teacher taught was making a little review sheet. You take a paper and fold in in half, write the questions/vocab on one side and the answers/definitions on the other. Then fold it over and quiz yourself. To be honest I don't study much either. I often find myself cramming in the last 10 minutes.
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  • <span style="color:#FF00BF"><span style="font-size:85">I'm bad with studying for minor quizzes, but for finals I go crazy.<br><br>First, I usually rewrite all of my notes. Sometimes twice for areas I don't quite understand as well.<br>And then I make question cards. (Sometimes with friends too, and then we share cards.)<br>And I always keep track of the ones I get wrong. If I'm really struggling with some, I'll take notes on those until I'm able to get them right when being quizzed.<br><br>If ya make a word document or something with questions and answers, I'll help you study!</span></span>
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  • Personally I study the night before I go to bed then again about 10 minutes before the test. Some reason that helps me =/<br><br>I also get a friend to help me study.. <br><br>Then again it depends on what I'm studying for..<br><br>I have a type of photographic memory and I just have to read something two-three times, then when i take the test i can pull up the image of the paper mentally and find the sentence im looking for.. like.. mentally scanning the study sheet to find my answer.. if that makes any sense?<br><br>Also, I memorize things.. I'll read a sentence over and over then close my eyes and say the sentence out loud to myself without looking.<br><br>Last but not least, I wing it xD I sometimes make better grades when i DONT study xD but i dont recommend that. if i were in college i would take studying MUCH more serious then i do now xD<br><br>Ask vampy.. im ALWAYS studying the period before our english tests on fridays xD im like "vampy, help me study!!!" xD
  • Everyone studies differently, and sometimes it depends on the class.<br>I personally find that writing things over and over helps. I also reread everything, and highlight things. <br>If you're getting distracted while reading, then you might want to try going somewhere less distracting. Other than that, you really have to force yourself to pay attention if you find yourself always drifting off while reading. However, drifting off while reading could mean you need to take a short break.<br><br>Unlike me, my mother has found that studying with her peers is very helpful. Twice a week they meet up at school, or at one of the student's homes, and they study. After that, she comes home and does basically what I do. <br><br>Above all, avoid cramming in college. It is a very poor study habit that a lot of people develop, because they are too lazy to follow proper study methods. It can work in high school, but generally it won't work in college, especially if the course you are taking is a prerequisite for another course. With cramming you typically don't learn the material, you temporarily remember it(and sometimes you end up remembering it wrong out of haste). Temporarily remembering something is not going to help you on following tests, or when your final rolls around in later weeks, or when you need to know that material for a more advanced course you might take next semester. Make sure that when you are studying, you are actually learning the material by testing yourself, and try to think beyond what you are taught. Cramming also causes you to overwork, and stress yourself out as you try to fit everything into a very small window of time.<br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>;
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