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Top 10

Here I want to know everyones top 10 things they want to do on VP! :) <br><br>
<br>1.Get a sponser account or an upgrade.<br>2.Get on top kennels list<br>3.Show 10 dogs to International<br>4.Make great graphics<br>5.Be Known<br>6.Get a Champion herder (already have champ musher xD)<br>7.Breed a 10x4 <br>8.Complete 2 full lines to 10x4s<br>9.Rescue 10,000 dogs and train and show them<br>10.Keep playing :)<br>
I <3 Keith Urban!


  • 1.get a sponcer account <br>2.. be known better <br>3.get better at art <br>4 make millions <br>5.make more friends <br>6. get a international mushing dog <br>7. do a import line on some off my fav breeds <br> more dogs <br>9.if I become sponcr help novices in the goals <br>10..Just have fun!!!!
    SmiLe :)

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