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Life sucks, anyone agree?

edited September 2010 in Vent
We have the time where life truly sucks lower than the toilet bowl ickyness.<br><br><br> I'm starting to get migranes now and when I do, I become sicker than a seasick crocodile. This lasts easily for over six hours of my day. Now that school is back up and I have AP History (Which is our only and REQUIRED history class) to take and Chemistry and all this stuff that I can get behind in, my migranes are getting worse and the doctors at our clinic keep saying, "OH! IT'S ALLERGIES! *stuffs mouth full of allergy medicine*" <br><br>"OH DOCTOR! I HAVE A TOOTH ACHE! OCH!"<br><br>"OH! IT'S ALLERGIES MY DEAR, UNEDUCATED CHILD! *throws pills at*" <br><br>It's practically like that. Our Indian reservation, I swear and probably know, gets all the under-educated doctors who have nothing better. <br><br> Back on subject,<br><br> so it's hard to concentrate in school with my brain feeling like it's cracking my skull and going to explode while my right eye hurts from the migrane and my stomach wants to throw up everything. <br><br> Then, my school has plenty of weird, interesting kids that are NOT meant to be around people with headaches, let alone migranes. <br><br>"AM I UGLY?!" A random girl yells while she's clearly pretty.<br><br>"This isn't an IQ test," my teacher says to me as I accidently put my finished papers in the wrong bin that we never used. But, my stupidity must be the blame for that.<br><br> I want to go home, because it's sooo much better there. My worthless uncle who drinks all night and sleeps all day without a job who leeches off of everyone answers and says he can't get up to give the phone to my grandpa or grandma because "He's trying to sleep" and asks "What do you want?" in an irritated voice. I screamed a bad word at him and told him I'll walk home which isn't actually too far, but my head throbs and I'm sick off my pants. <br><br> Get home. Puke. Cry.<br><br>Life sucks.
"Discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in New Eyes."


  • I bet there are MORE and MORE people that have it worse than me. I'm not being sarcastic about it, either. However, I'm a sensitive person and little things like this bug me more than anything. I live in an average family with my grandpa and grandma and am used of the quiet, pleasant, and not too explosive life. <br><br> I just need to suck it up and get over it.
    "Discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in New Eyes."
  • I know you said the docs give you pills and all, but one thing that worked for me is birth control.<br><br>I suggest to prove the doctors wrong, you take a notebook and put any and all triggers of when you get mirgraines. So for instance how much sleep you had, what you ate, etc. Then take it to them and tell them. Birth control helped me with mine, as it balances your hormones. Or maybe they can figure something else out if they see your triggers.<br><br>BTW its not allergies my doctor told me allergies can cause miagraines, but it also causes stomach aches, and other things. So if you have a combo it could be allergies.<br><br>If you need to pm me for any questions or just to talk, go right ahead.<br><br>-gives cookies and cake xD- because I believe cake gets neglected right? :P
  • Yes, cakes are extremely neglected. Even if it's a lie, the cake must be loved some.
    "Discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in New Eyes."
  • Have you tried using ibuprofen? You don't need a prescription for it, but always consult your doctor before using it.<br>I occasionally get migraines from hormones, and bad habits(skipping meals, not sleeping enough, etc.), and that's all I use to treat them. I've found that staying hydrated, and making sure to eat throughout the day(no skipping meals, especially breakfast) helps prevent me from getting them.
    I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.
  • The allergy doesn't solve anything except wasting my time. =/<br><br> They've finally given me migraine medicine but I only have 9 pills to last me each month, or we will have to start paying for our medicine. <br><br> And I'm afraid to go on birth control. I'm already, erm, meaty as it is and I can reassure I wouldn't need it. It's more about asking to get on it than doing it. My family would be highly suspicious. They wouldn't believe it especially my mom, but it's a suggestion to remember if nothing else works.<br><br> I hardly try to take pills unless I have. The only thing I take is my daily vitamins. The reason why I don't take pills unless I have to is because ever since I had a past experience with overdosing on pills, I seriously cannot take pills without throwing up or feeling sickish. I usually end up throwing them back up or getting more sick. <br><br> Example: Take a weak asprin and I end up really sick and my headache doesn't go away.<br><br> However, I am lacking the sleeping part. At my house, only one meal is prepared each day and other than that we have to scavange the remainder of our pretty empty kitchen. We're lucky if we have two meals per day. Even that one meal isn't too reliable. I also don't drink much water. I'm a pop addict. Since school, I've been at least getting two meals per day (breakfast and lunch). I'll try and remember that, though my girlfriend always tuts me for not being more healthier. =]
    "Discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in New Eyes."
  • I don't like taking pills either. Ibuprofen is the only thing I take, and that's twice a month at most. <br><br>From what you've said it sounds like your migraines could definitely be brought on by your habits. Is the pop diet or regular? I know for a fact that most diet pop can cause migraines, or at least worsen them, and that's what I use to drink ALL the time when I was younger and got migraines regularly. High intake of sugar can also cause migraines, among other health conditions, so definitely work on increasing the amount of water you drink, and lowering the amount of pop you drink. Also, try to eat healthier and routinely, and work on getting more sleep.
    I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.
  • I have migranes...go to the back person lol i forgot what its called..but my friend has them because of a kink in her neck from a car accident she has one about every week
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • <br>"OH DOCTOR! I HAVE A TOOTH ACHE! OCH!"<br><br>"OH! IT'S ALLERGIES MY DEAR, UNEDUCATED CHILD! *throws pills at*" <br>
    <br><br>Bahaha i laughed so hard xD<br>sorry life sucks but you saying that made my day<br>*offers cookies
  • The allergy doesn't solve anything except wasting my time. =/<br><br> They've finally given me migraine medicine but I only have 9 pills to last me each month, or we will have to start paying for our medicine. <br><br> And I'm afraid to go on birth control. I'm already, erm, meaty as it is and I can reassure I wouldn't need it. It's more about asking to get on it than doing it. My family would be highly suspicious. They wouldn't believe it especially my mom, but it's a suggestion to remember if nothing else works.<br><br> I hardly try to take pills unless I have. The only thing I take is my daily vitamins. The reason why I don't take pills unless I have to is because ever since I had a past experience with overdosing on pills, I seriously cannot take pills without throwing up or feeling sickish. I usually end up throwing them back up or getting more sick. <br><br> Example: Take a weak asprin and I end up really sick and my headache doesn't go away.<br><br> However, I am lacking the sleeping part. At my house, only one meal is prepared each day and other than that we have to scavange the remainder of our pretty empty kitchen. We're lucky if we have two meals per day. Even that one meal isn't too reliable. I also don't drink much water. I'm a pop addict. Since school, I've been at least getting two meals per day (breakfast and lunch). I'll try and remember that, though my girlfriend always tuts me for not being more healthier. =]
    <br><br>I'm guessing when you said "meaty as it is" is about being fat. Forgive me if I read that wrong. And its pretty much a myth birth control doesnt give anyone more weight, those were only rare case who had other health problems. But yes you parents might get suspicious, but maybe take them along and make sure the doc tells them what its for?
  • <br><br>I'm guessing when you said "meaty as it is" is about being fat.
    <br><br> Yes though I tried to make it sound less...harsh.<br><br> Glad I could make someone happy with my own sadness! xD Quite the accomplishment! *accept cookie*
    "Discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in New Eyes."
  • Poor Shay. I'm a baby when I get a weak headache xD I go and sleep for the day and take aspirin..or something. I dont even know what it is o.O<br><br><br>But, I've never had a migraine, and I surely dont want one o.o And I don't blame you on not wanting to take pills D: Im supposed to take 2 aleve a day for my wrist, but i Have yet to start doing that because... I read the bottle and the side effects aren't too pretty xD<br><br><br>*gives hugs* ;D
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
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