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Bunking VP steryotypes

I saw something that caught me off gaurd today.<br> A novice with a simular name to this> Cutie Pir I luv dogs or something. There kennal was clutterd, and there dogs where cheap. They messaged me asking for help NICLEY, and I offerd advice, and a couple of dogs and a new layout (kind of my job, I run a help club, and they did NOT ask for this stuff, just for advice) and I said the layout might be boring, and they said thats fine I just want my kennal to be cleaned up, and nice so I can become well known, and not a cheap kennal. And I was shocked-I assumed they whould just be looking for free stuff. And my favorite part-They didnt use chat speak! And they whernt rude! I was so happy I chould cry lol *sniff :lol:<br><br><br>May I add that when something went wrong they kindly said "Oh its fine, Its not your fault, how about a diffrent color" and I know this sounds weird to be happy about, its just im so sick of "Givz me ur goz


  • i love novices who dont use chat speak...i love anybody who doesnt. <br>if i post i need a trainer and someone messages me saying i a traner wat u need i dont message back. :3
  • Lol, same. theres someone who post that on bp and I garuntee they get no buisness. Plus weve had many tiffys, and is on ignore on like all my kennals.
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