I tryed out for my first sport that cuts yesterday. Well our schools conjoined so now theres 80 girsl trying out and 24 spots. I didnt make it. I took it well, i messaged and called congragulating people, I didnt cry in front of people when they asked, I just smiled and said next year I will. As soon as I got home I went in my room and cryed a little. But its life It happens, and its goingto happen again. I just dont like growing up, I miss little leauge stuff where everyone made it. Something else that made me feel worse its people worse then me, who cant even hit the ball over then net, made it but I did not and I feel bad because even though I Understand, Part of me feels the coaches didnt see me at my best because Im betetr then a lot of the girls who made it, and Ive been told so by alot of people. Mabey Im wrong, mabey im right, mabey they just didnt see me. But Ive gotta keep saying. Life-It happens