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Take Action! Updates (Please Look Everyone!)

Here I will post updates for petitions about animals needing saved (such as rare wolves,etc) and I would like everyone to sign them!! :) thanks to everyone who does!! please post if and which one you signed for! I cannot put ALL the petitions on here from the site but i will post alot :) and when they reach their goal.<br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... lugaWhales</a><br>Help Save Rare Whales from Extinction<br>The survival of these highly intelligent and critically endangered whales is at stake. Take action!<br>Help Save Rare Whales from Extinction<br>Goal: 30,000 • Progress: 10,555<br>Sponsored by: Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund<br><br>There are only a little more than 300 Cook Inlet beluga whales in the entire world. These wondrous whales are found in just one place: the Cook Inlet near Anchorage, Alaska.<br><br>Cook Inlet beluga whales have been protected under the Endangered Species Act for just less than two years. But the State of Alaska has filed to overturn these vital protections, siding with polluters and developers who have put Cook Inlet belugas on a fast-track to extinction.<br><br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... eanaSharks</a><br>Protect Sharks to Protect Our Oceans <br>Please sign this petition telling your Senators that you won't stand for anything less than full protections for sharks!<br>Protect Sharks to Protect Our Oceans<br>Goal: 30,000 • Progress: 6,415<br>Sponsored by: Oceana<br><br>Every year, approximately 73 million sharks are caught for their fins to feed the growing worldwide demand for shark fin soup. This demand has led to drastic declines in shark populations around the world. Some populations have declined by as much as 99 percent in the past 35 years.<br><br>The Shark Conservation Act would require that sharks be landed with their fins still attached, thus solving enforcement issues and facilitating better data collection. It also closes a loophole related to the transfer of fins at sea, which allows bad actors to circumvent the current law. Additionally, the bill allows the U.S. to take actions against countries that have weaker protections for sharks.<br><br>Sharks are in trouble and we cannot afford to lose such a vital part of the world's oceans. Urge your Senators to support the Shark Conservation Act. The oceans depend on it.<br><br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... SeaTurtles</a><br>President Obama - Sea Turtles Need Our Help <br>Listing sea turtles as endangered will be a major step in guaranteeing further protection. Speak up for sea turtles!<br>President Obama - Sea Turtles Need Our Help<br>Goal: 30,000 • Progress: 15,304<br>Sponsored by: Oceana<br><br>Sea turtles have been swimming the oceans for millions and millions of years. They have seen dinosaurs come and go, and the rise and fall of civilizations.<br><br>But without our help, these ancient creatures may not have much longer on this earth. In our modern world, destructive fishing and plastic pollution threaten sea turtles in the oceans. Beach erosion and coastal development plague them on land.<br><br>With six of the world's seven sea turtle species swimming in US waters, we need to take action now.<br><br>Sign this petition telling President Obama that you want comprehensive sea turtle protections.<br><br><br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... icasWolves</a><br>Support a New Beginning for Wolves <br>Together, we can ensure the survival of the wolves we have fought so hard to restore to the American West.<br>Support a New Beginning for Wolves<br>Goal: 30,000 • Progress: 6,991<br>Sponsored by: Defenders of Wildlife<br><br>Wolves in Greater Yellowstone and the Northern Rockies won a major victory when a federal court reinstated federal protections for these animals.<br><br>But with Idaho officials still seeking to kill hundreds of wolves, Montana likely to follow and Wyoming still pursuing a shoot-on-sight wolf management plan, our work to ensure a long-term recovery for these magnificent animals is far from over.<br><br>Please take action today to urge Interior Secretary Ken Salazar to seize this opportunity to get things right for wolves in Greater Yellowstone and the Northern Rockies by pursuing a science-based plan for long-term recovery of wolves.<br><br><br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... SPCAHorses</a><br>USA: Speak Up Against Inhumane Wild Horse Roundups!<br>Let the Obama Administration know of your opposition to the cruel wild horse roundups currently underway in the West.<br>USA: Speak Up Against Inhumane Wild Horse Roundups!<br>Goal: 40,000 • Progress: 32,231<br>Sponsored by: ASPCA<br><br>The U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is at it again! On the second weekend of July, it started rounding up more than 1,200 federally protected wild horses on public lands in Nevada. The use of helicopters to run the terrified horses over miles of scorching desert resulted in serious injuries and several horse deaths.<br><br>Due to intense outcry regarding the BLM's handling of wild horses, the agency several months ago drafted new strategies for managing these animals and invited the public to comment via its website. But instead of waiting until the comment period is over to hear what the American public has to say, BLM officials decided to go forward with these cruel and brutal "gathers" in the blistering heat of summer.<br><br>Call the White House Comment Line today at (202)456-1111. President Obama needs to hear from you that these inhumane roundups must not go forward if the BLM hopes to retain any credibility with the American public.<br><br><br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... ricasLions</a><br>Help Save Africa's Lions from Extinction <br>Right now, a poison created by an American company is helping to drive the last wild African lions to extinction. Take action!<br>Help Save Africa's Lions from Extinction<br>Goal: 30,000 • Progress: 29,768<br>Sponsored by: Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund<br><br>Just a handful of carbofuran— a product that the Environmental Protection Agency says is too toxic for use in the U.S.— can kill an entire pride of lions. Sadly, this awful poison is still sold in stores (and widely used) in many African nations.<br><br>Help save something wild. Help save imperiled wild lions. Fill out the form below to sign our petition urging the heads of Botswana, Rwanda and Kenya to keep carbofuran off the shelves— and out of the hands of those who would use it to kill these big cats— and support new protections for Africa's remaining wild lions.<br><br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... sePetition</a><br>Urge House to Pass Anti-Horse Slaughter Bill <br>Ask President Obama to urge Congress to support the Prevention of Equine Cruelty Act.<br>15,098 signatures sent on 2/23. Please continue to support this important cause by signing if you haven't already. Thank you!<br>Urge House to Pass Anti-Horse Slaughter Bill<br>Goal: 150,000 • Progress: 111,234<br>Sponsored by: ASPCA<br><br>Horses have been our trusted companions and are a historically significant part of American culture. They deserve a more dignified end to their lives than to be inhumanely slaughtered and served for dinner.<br><br>H.R. 503 would put an end to this practice by prohibiting the transport of America's horses to foreign countries for slaughter. Ask President Obama today to urge Congress to support H.R. 503! Sign the petition and tell a friend.<br><br><br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... n=CrushAct</a><br>USA: Make Sale of Crush Videos Illegal Again! <br>Help us fight animal suffering and exploitation. Sign the petition now!<br>54,331 signatures sent on 7/12. Please continue to support this important cause by signing if you haven't already. Thank you!<br>USA: Make Sale of Crush Videos Illegal Again!<br>Goal: 100,000 • Progress: 56,491<br>Sponsored by: ASPCA<br><br>On April 20, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in U.S. v. Stevens that the "Crush Act," a 1999 federal law banning the creation, sale and possession of materials depicting genuine acts of animal cruelty, is unconstitutional and overbroad in its scope.<br><br>H.R. 5566 will help ensure that the crush video industry is not revitalized in the absence of any enforceable federal law. Add your voice to the cause! Join the ASPCA in urging the U.S. House of Representatives to support legislation that amends the Crush Act.<br><br><br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... seRoundups</a><br>Stop Senseless Deaths in Mustang Roundups <br>The Bureau of Land Management uses dangerous and deadly techniques to round up wild mustangs. Put a stop to this cruel practice.<br>7,528 signatures sent on 05/14. Please continue to support this important cause by signing if you haven't already. Thank you!<br>Stop Senseless Deaths in Mustang Roundups<br>Goal: 40,000 • Progress: 25,698<br>Sponsored by: The Animal Rescue Site<br><br>Nevada's Bureau of Land Management plans to herd a large group of mustangs out of their peaceful habitat—a practice that is responsible for the senseless injuries and deaths of thousands of these wild and beautiful creatures.<br><br>You can help the horses remain in their natural environment. Tell the BLM to put an end to their roundups, allowing the horses to run free where they belong.<br><br><br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... iageHorses</a><br>Help Protect the Working Horses of New York City <br>Urge NYC Council members to oppose Intro. 653<br>60,155 signatures sent on 03/23. Please continue to support this important cause by signing if you haven't already. Thank you!<br>Help Protect the Working Horses of New York City<br>Goal: 70,000 • Progress: 64,678<br>Sponsored by: ASPCA<br><br>A bill being considered by New York City, Intro. 653, would drastically weaken the oversight and implementation of proper care for the city's long-suffering carriage horses -- and even allow the industry to self-regulate through a third-party arrangement if it so chose.<br><br>These horses work for their living, and deserve to have clean stalls and bedding, proper food, and appropriate care. Protect these iconic animals -- tell New York City Council members to oppose Intro. 653. Sign the petition and tell a friend!<br><br><br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... ogFighting</a><br>Take Dog Fighting Seriously <br>Ask President Obama to urge State Governors to end this heinous sport forever<br>65,535 signatures sent on 05/03. Please continue to support this important cause by signing if you haven't already. Thank you!<br>Take Dog Fighting Seriously<br>Goal: 150,000 • Progress: 127,922<br>Sponsored by: ASPCA<br><br>Although dog fighting is a felony in all 50 United States, there are still some states that don't take it seriously. As with any other illegal underground activity, it's impossible to determine how many people may be involved in dog fighting, but estimates are in the tens of thousands. This brutal blood sport is a pastime for rich and poor alike, and dog fighting has been reported in urban, suburban and rural settings in all regions of the country.<br><br>Sign the petition below and help end this heinous sport forever.<br><br><br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... tanaWolves</a><br><span style="font-size:200">8/5/10: Success! Grey wolves are again protected under the Endangered Species Act. Thank you for helping us reach this victory!</span>
I <3 Keith Urban!


  • If you are talking about animals in the real world, please make sure the sites you are giving contain no inappropriate images anywhere on the site.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • Alabama wrote:
    If you are talking about animals in the real world, please make sure the sites you are giving contain no inappropriate images anywhere on the site.
    <br>it doesnt :)
    I <3 Keith Urban!
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