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Anime Gifties

edited October 2010 in Auction
Wee, finished one of my mini sets :D These are all based off Vampire Knight. However, you can use them for whatever xD<br><br><br>I will separate and reauction these if they don't do well in such a huge group xD<br><br>These will forever be 3oak. The extra of the color I will only be giving away/trading for other things. I will not be auctioning these again once one has been auctioned away ;D<br><br><br>1. <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>Vampire Hunter w. Bloody Rose & Frost White Fur <br><br>SB: 2 mill<br>HB: BIN'd Bluey<br>BIN: 10 mill<br><br>2. <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>Pureblood Vampire w. Secretive Charm & Blue Rose <br><br>SB: 2 mill<br>HB: 3 mill Tarn<br>BIN: 10 mill<br><br>3. <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>Cheerful Guardian w. Hidden Despair & Torn Heart <br><br>SB: 2 mill<br>HB: 2 mill Shameh<br>BIN: 10 mill<br><br><br>I will accept other gifties that are also 3oak and under, but I will not necessarily take them. They will have to be a color I like ;D<br>I will also accept trainings (full 200/280 aggro to 200, groom till 11.6.0/12.3.0) These are counted as 1 mill each, and I will accept a max of 3 on each color.<br><br><br>Thanks ;D
All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.


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