I think my purple betta may be sick, injured, or dying. =(<br><br>We have two males (kept seperatly of course.) I think I've had Poptart between 6 months and one year. For a while he's been a paler color, but I didn't think anything of it. Well, we left to go away for the weekend on Friday and I fed them right before I left and as soon as I got back (today.) Well, Poptart is sorta tipping backwards? Almost as if his tail is too heavy. If I tap on the glass he moves and straightens out, but he keeps tipping again and sorta just sitting there. I put food in and he didn't eat it. We do have two cats but they've never bothered them before. Is he sick? Is there anything I can do? Any help would be great. Thanks!<br><br>And please do not say I'm a bad pet owner because I didn't get someone to feed my fish while we were gone. It was only for two days and we've left them before. =P
Goals: 13/50million VPC
Training Boarding
Goals: 13/50million VPC
Goals: 13/50million VPC
Back in action?
Goals: 13/50million VPC
Goals: 13/50million VPC
Goals: 13/50million VPC
Goals: 13/50million VPC
Temporary Training -- Breeding -- Showing -- Gifty Holding -- Decoy Line
Goals: 13/50million VPC
Temporary Training -- Breeding -- Showing -- Gifty Holding -- Decoy Line
Goals: 13/50million VPC
Semper Fi.
Semper Fi.