Um..well..I guess a cat. <br><br><br>Would you rather be sick coughing your lungs out (thearetically of course) or have your sibling sick with a bad cold?
well...I love horses and cats,but Dogs just have my heart. So I would like to have a dog. <br><br><br>would you rather be raised by wolves or live alone?
Hmmmn... Is the slowly painfully? And how fast if fast?? Immediate?? or....??<br><br>I guess I'd go with slowly. That way I could say goodbye.<br><br>Would you rather:<br><br> slide down a slide made of cheese graters wearing shorts or...<br><br><br>Eat a large bowl of glass shards?
<span style="font-size:85">Probably swim 200 yards, because I looove swimming, and you can stop and tread water where in a marathon you don't really have time to stop.. And plus I love running but I also have REALLY bad asthma, so I kinda can't run long distances, but I can swim long distances Hahaha. That was confusing ^<br><br>Would you rather never talk again or always speak your mind?</span><br><span style="font-size:50">(I'm pretty sure someone already said this one.. oh well. xD)</span>
Garn: Is there a "neither" choice here? Lol, I'd have to go with deaf. <br><br>And I would rather have 6 dogs. Horses are a lot of work.<br><br>Would you rather eat a mouse or a rat?
Not shower (I've done it!) It isn't that bad when everybody else smells the same as you. <br><br>Would you rather have no wi-fi or have an extremely slow computer?
BAD QUESTION!! niether. otherwise i can t train on VP<br><br><br><br>Would you rather eat your dog or pull its hair out.<span style="font-size:85">WOW THAT WAS REALLY MEAN> ILL CHANGE IT</span>ok would you rather have no VP or no dogs?
<span style="color:#8080FF"><span style="font-size:85">Grasshoppers, they seem more nutritious.<br><br>Would you rather own a raccoon or a shrew? ^^ </span></span>
=O theyre both soo cute! <br><br>A raccoon. They seem like theyd be more personable and not nocternal (used to know a pet coon) when raised with humans. They love their person but hate everyone else. xD i like that<br><br>Would you rather be overly mean or overly nice?
Ride soo much that it bored me!! At least then id still be riding... and id be one heck of a rider too!! <br><br>Would you rather eat nothing but candy or nothing but vegetables for the rest of your life?
This may sound weird but....vegetables! XD I LOVE corn and green beans! XD<br>I agree with you Vamps.<br>would you rather hang out inside or be outside?
Outside outside outside!!!<br><br>Im hardly ever inside. Especially with all the animals i own. Plus i get bored and feel cooped up if im inside more than an hour at a time. <br><br>Dairy Queen or McDonalds?
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