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HookWorm help?

I may be getting a Aussie Mix from a nearby shelter, as long as I get there soon enough. The only problem, is that he was just tested for hookworms, and apparently has them. If we brought him home, would my cat be at risk for catching hookworms? He obviously won't have it forever, the vet said just a week or so. Please help!<br><br>[Edit] I was browsing google for information on them, and I found this terrible story: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>;
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  • Uhm... I would tell your vet to give you medication for the dog.<br><br>Hookworms transfer to other animals AND people. It causes blindness, ESPECIALLY in young children. They transfer through contact, so for instance, if you step somewhere barefoot where there are hookworm eggs, you have a chance of getting them. My Kira had hookworms (and three other parasites), and the vet was careful to stress how dangerous they could be.
  • Yeah, we haven't adopted it yet, and it has had treatment. Is there a certain way that it can be caught?
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  • Through skin contact, as far as I know. If you step barefoot somewhere that a hookwork infested dog has poo'd, you have a chance of catching it. Hookworm eggs can live in places like sandboxes for YEARS. Just a few things I got through a fast google:<br><br>
    Infection can occur via ingestion or skin penetration(commonly infested thru the feet) followed by a pulmonary migration, a developmental stage in the gastric glands, or an arrested state in the muscular tissue in older animals. Migration and maturation occur in 17 days. Transport hosts, especially rodents, may play a role in the transmission of this parasite.<br><br>Also, it is extremely important to thoroughly clean and disinfect the affected areas. If this is not feasible walk your pet in a different area and if possible away from where other pets go. ALWAYS, pick up after your pet goes to the bathroom to minimize the chance of reinfection.<br><br>The most important aspect of hookworms is that they could pose a health hazard to humans. Especially if you have children, it is imperative to keep on top of the situation and have your pet regularly tested. In humans, hookworms causes cutaneous larval migrans. The parasite can penetrate human skin and cause a linear, tortous, erythematous, and pruritic dermatitis(kids are more susceptible). Therefore, if you own a pet good hygiene, prevention and management of stool area should be #1 on your list.
    <br><br>Another site (<a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... 90&aid=747</a>) states that hookworms can enter through the skin or by ingestion.
  • Whoa. Thanks for the information, I really appreciate it!
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