Mammoth has comeback.<br>Not that anyone particularly cares, hehe.<br>I'm not expecting confetti or big banners.<br><br>If any of you knew me when I left the game a few months ago to go on a research trip, well I'm back.<br>All summer spent living in a tent out on an isolated lake way up in the north country, uffda.

<br>I have returned tanned, scarred, bruises, scraped, bitten, and with my skin smelling permenently of wood smoke.<br>I hope to have time for a shorter (two week) research trip with the same folks this winter but it all depends on when I'm having class.<br><br>But now I'm back at the school, and I have long breaks between some of my classes (like today, and hour and a half) so I have time to fiddle around on the computer again.<br>Now actually having access to a computer again is something I'm going to have to get used to, hehe.<br>(like indoor plumbing and sleeping in a bed)<br><br>So, I'm back. To those I gave my one of a kind gifties to, I may be hitting you up to ask for them back or to try and buy them off of you. <br>But if you don't want to give them up it won't break my little heart.

<br><br>So I desided to start playing again (randomly and not very oftenly) just for something to do.<br>I may start doing art comissions again, I may not. <br><br>-Mammoth (LeoTaurus)