Alright I have multiple vents.. All from yesterday.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:150"><span style="color:#FF0040">--Part I--</span></span></span><br><br>So I've been having bad days since about Sunday, thanks to my four year old sister's new thing: constant tantrums. <br>She will not clean up to herself.<br>It's only towards me, she says things like "I hate Ali, but I like everyone else."<br>I've been waking up to that since Sunday and now I get angry with everything, and when I'm not angry I'm depressed. I don't know how to feel.<br><br><br><span style="color:#FF0000"><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:150">--Part II--</span></span></span><br><br>Yesterday my mom was going to have friends over. My response to that was telling her "I don't like it when people come over because I don't like people." She gave me this hurt, confused, blank look. I didn't even think before saying it like I normally would, it just came out.. Same with the times I've been telling her I don't like kids, which is true. <br>It's like I'm taken over by an alien.<br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:150"><span style="color:#FF0040">--Part III--</span></span></span><br><br>When my mom's friends came over one of them brought their very rude, annoying, and obnoxious kid. I locked myself in my room with two of my dogs, Troy and Molly, away from this since I hate large groups of people.<br>So for those who don't know, Troy is my showdog, he's a Shiba. And Molly is soon to be a rally dog, she was an abused Boston Terrier that is very happy now. Lola was outside. (My other Shiba.)<br>Well the kid decided to barge into my room. Let's call him Jimmy, though it's not anywhere near his real name. <br>Molly was on m bed with me laying down with me and Troy was being protective watching the door and standing there staring at the door as usual.<br>Jimmy came on in, saw Troy (Whom he's never met before.) and decides it's a good idea to start stomping around, jumping, barking, and growling and Troy. That is NOT how you act around a dog you do not know. So Troy starts growling since he probably thought it was some kind of threat.<br>Well the kid does it for about five minutes more, no matter how many times I tell him to knock it off.<br>Troy kept growling and he got pretty loud before Jimmy ran off to my mom and her friends. I heard him saying something to my mom and his mom so I decided to go out and listen. <br>Jimmy was telling my mom and his mom that Troy attacked him! That was NOT how it went.<br>(I say he DESERVED to be attacked, with the way he was acting.)<br>My mom didn't believe him since she knows that kids annoying.<br>His mom gave me a mean look like a 'Control Your Dog' look. Ugh!<br>I explained to her that no he did not attack, but the way he acted towards my dog could've gotten him attacked since the dog didn't know him. <br><br>People need to either 1. Watch their kids better to know what they're doing. Or 2. Just not let them be around dogs if they act like that.<br><br>What would you do?? If an unknown child was jumping, growling, stomping, barking, and acting like a threat, would you.....<br><br>A. Sit there and be nice to the child (Some dogs do, those are very tolerant dogs.)<br>B. Growl a bit, just warning growls (Troy did this, he just wanted the kid to go away and not harm me or him.)<br>C. Attack the kid (Which could've totally happened in this situation. Depending on the dog.)<br><br>Ugh!<br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:150"><span style="color:#FF0000">--Part IV--</span></span></span><br><br>Recently I started drivers ed. It's Tuesday, Thursday, and one Friday.<br>Well I went to the first class the other day, and we had to sign up for these drive lessons...<br>Thing is, they're totally short-notice. Which I HATE.<br>I like to know things at least five days in advance.<br>Well the teacher person decided that the 'best way' to set up driving days would be to see who raises their hand the fastest for the date and time she says. >.<<br><br>Well the driving things are either one day after, or two days after the class we were in. Not even a full 48 hour notification in advance. <br>And you cannot be 5 or more minutes late, or you have to pay $35-$55 and not participate in it that day. And you can't miss it or you'll have to pay that money as well.<br>The only way you can get out of it for a little bit is if you call 48 hours in advance to the drive, which is lame since we aren't even given 48 hours to the drive time from the time we set up the date.<br>We don't even get them all set up at once, we have to do the whole 'who raises their hand fastest' thing every class.<br>There are certain days and times that I'll have to go somewhere, or my mom can't take me, but I might HAVE to sign up for that day and time since I don't always raise my hand fast enough.<br>We payed $200 to get into these stupid classes. <br>My life doesn't revolve around these classes.<br><br>I HATE short notice.<br><br><br><br>I do not know what I'm supposed to do with all this happening. I'm sick of being my sisters' babysitter, while doing the driving thing and other things

<br>I just don't know how this is going to work..<br><br>Thanks to all who read.

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