So starting this weekned i wont be on much.<br><br>Big reason is my mom's Bf for 8 yrs decided that they weren't compatible anymore.<br>And they [mostly him tho
/] decided they would break up.<br>So now we are left with nothing basically and bills to pay.<br>so ill be helping to support my mom as much as i can.<br>And my mom doesn't have a job but does get some money a week from PennDot [ to try and compensate for what my real dad would make]<br>So I'm gonna try and find something i can do to try and get cash. [no one ever wants me to babysit for them.
//]<br>[ I could go on and on but im trying to keep it short ]<br><br>And the next reason is i start my Freshman year of High School on Monday.<br>and they say this year is the most important year.<br>So I'm gonna work hard on getting really good grades.<br>[could go on about things again but I'm not.]<br><br>so i may or may not be on much.<br><br>Ill miss you all <33
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t