Well another summer has come to a close for me!<br><br>I start up school tomorrow, find out my classes and see mah frands again and what not. <br><br>SO...I may not be on for a while as I get school stuff going.<br><br>Goodbye summer, hello torture.
Tell me about it! Im ALREADY doing homework. College British Literature in fact. Its ye ole BORING! And its not even a story... its a HISTORY lesson setting up the scene of Beowulf. And as you can see... im procrastinating!
I dont know where everyone elses summers went. But mine went to cow shows >.< I still need a week off just one. To finish recovering.
<br><br> Mine went to horse shows. i DID however get a month iff but my vacation WAS a horse show
<br>thats great! im doing barrels and poles next summer
<br><br>All my friends make fun of my paint mare because she's a trained barrel horse but she HATES going fast. She's bred with cutting and barrel lines but she can cut a cow like theres no tomorrow! She's got a build for it too. The biiiig butt (which i absolutely LOVE!!!) and the chest to move like a cutter.
All my friends make fun of my paint mare because she's a trained barrel horse but she HATES going fast. She's bred with cutting and barrel lines but she can cut a cow like theres no tomorrow! She's got a build for it too. The biiiig butt (which i absolutely LOVE!!!) and the chest to move like a cutter.
<br>thats great...the horse i use is in the second banner on my signature..not very good pic of her have to get new one made up but shes great for speed sports...its bred into her
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