lmao, I'm so impatient!<br><br>I've been attempting to do some coding that I tried a few years ago and I CANNOT GET ANYTHING TO FREAKING LINE UP!!!!!<br><br>It seems to be lined up when I look at it, but not when others view it.<br><br>It took me forever to get the darn coding done on the image, as well as to make the image!<br><br>It lines up for me. <br><br>Does it line up for you? <a href="
http://scslayoutsandgraphics.webs.com/Pink Example NEW.html" target="_blank" class="bb-url">
http://scslayoutsandgraphics.webs.com/P ... 20NEW.html</a>
Temporary Training -- Breeding -- Showing -- Gifty Holding -- Decoy Line