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edited August 2010 in General Discussion
I really really badly want a horse. I always have, and until I get one I always will.<br>My neighborhood does not allow any hoofed creatures, or chickens.<br>It's lame. But I may be able to keep a horse at my uncle's or my mom's friend's stables.<br>I've emailed nearby horse rescues. I'd like a horse I can ride, that'll be my friend, but most likely won't be shown. I'd love a companion.<br>Only problem: Busy schedule. Until I get my license I don't think I can get a horse. I watch my sisters a lot and work with and show my dogs a ton.<br>Well hopefully I can get one. If anyone has any tips to tell a first time horse owner, but not first time horse rider, please let me know!
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  • Our barn has some horses for sale :O. Prices start at 800-1000 (:
  • Tips:<br><br>Don't spend all your money buying the horse. Buying is the cheapest part. <br>Make sure you have as many of the incidentals as you can think of before buying a horse, including having a vet and farrier selected. Extra ropes, extra halter, hoof picks, brushes, combs, bandages, wraps, ointments, etc.<br>Always have cash cushion to fall back in case your horse gets hurt and needs a vet.<br>Always insist on riding a horse before buying it and take someone, preferably with a LOT of horse experience, with you when you do the test ride.<br>Always get a vet check done by your own vet or vet of your choosing, don't trust the current owners' paperwork.<br>If someone is trying to pressure you into buying, walk away very quickly.<br>Always look a gift horse in the mouth, literally. If the horse is underpriced, there's probably a reason beyond I just need to sell it.<br>Take your time and don't jump into buying a horse because you like it, definately don't buy on the first visit. Make yourself look at a couple others and come back if it's still the one you want.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • Thank you Alabama! That's a lot of help! :3
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  • I think before I actually get a horse I'm going to volunteer at a nearby horse rescue. That way I'll learn a lot, and if I decide to adopt a horse I'll know which one because I'll get to spend time with the horses there :3
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  • Alabama wrote:
    Tips:<br><br>Don't spend all your money buying the horse. Buying is the cheapest part. <br>Make sure you have as many of the incidentals as you can think of before buying a horse, including having a vet and farrier selected. Extra ropes, extra halter, hoof picks, brushes, combs, bandages, wraps, ointments, etc.<br>Always have cash cushion to fall back in case your horse gets hurt and needs a vet.<br>Always insist on riding a horse before buying it and take someone, preferably with a LOT of horse experience, with you when you do the test ride.<br>Always get a vet check done by your own vet or vet of your choosing, don't trust the current owners' paperwork.<br>If someone is trying to pressure you into buying, walk away very quickly.<br>Always look a gift horse in the mouth, literally. If the horse is underpriced, there's probably a reason beyond I just need to sell it.<br>Take your time and don't jump into buying a horse because you like it, definately don't buy on the first visit. Make yourself look at a couple others and come back if it's still the one you want.
    <br><br>I'm currently selling my horse i have now and buying a new one. Bama is right, don buy on the first visit. I went and looked at the horse i want once. said id be back. im going back tomorrow probably to ride her and see if she is good. I had my dad check her mouth and hooves as well. the owner is getting me all the papers i need BEFORE i buy the horse. She is up to date on her coggins and all her shots and was recently wormed. I asked for the proof on paper before i buy her =) Also, be ready to spend lots of time with your horse. I know many people that buy them and stick them in a pasture for the rest of their lives and thats just not fair to the horse. I suggest riding at least once a day. which as bama pointed out, most of the money goes. Into buying feed, tack, vet bills, those sort of things =)
  • I have two and a half horses and they keep me dang near broke AND busy. I ride in excess of 10 hours a week and im ALWAYS buying new halters, blankets, shampoo, feed (LOTS OF FEED), vet bills, FERRIERS!!!, boots, combs, brushes, and not only that. I have to also get boots, spurs, helmets, hat, and a lot of other stuff and its not easy. And you never get to sleep in! Even though i try too!<br><br>Also some horses have special needs. I have a pregnant saddlebred who blisters horribly in the sun. I have to wash her a couple of times i week with expensive medicated shampoo and put some antibacterial spray on her once a day PLUS i also have to keep a blanket on her. Then i have to get sunscreen to put on her nose cause of the blisters, and use medicated hoof sealer cuz she has big white hooves and they pretty much STAY cracked.
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