My first job. And I dont have a clue what Im doing xD Oh well. Since Im about to be of working age I picked up an application today(I dont know if its against the rules to post the store? Just to be safe I wont
) its a fairly large company(I believe) that carries party supplies, and they are about to start hiring for seasonal jobs. Im really excited. I love the store! They always have the best stuff, and its usually quiet and peaceful. And I was talking to one of the current employees, and she said that a lot of times if you sign up for a seasonal job, and you work hard, and they like you, they'll let you stay even after the seasons over. If I dont get that job, I am going to continue to help me dad(He builds stuff, does bobcat work, grinds tree stumps, handyman stuff) until we finish the garage we are building, and then I am going to apply at a grocery store to be a cart pusher.(Not the best job I know, but its all they let people my age do, and Ill get plenty of exercise) If that doesnt work then I dont know what Ill apply for. Wish me luck? I really dont have any prior job experience I can use to help me here...
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