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Applying for...

edited August 2010 in General Discussion
My first job. And I dont have a clue what Im doing xD Oh well. Since Im about to be of working age I picked up an application today(I dont know if its against the rules to post the store? Just to be safe I wont :3) its a fairly large company(I believe) that carries party supplies, and they are about to start hiring for seasonal jobs. Im really excited. I love the store! They always have the best stuff, and its usually quiet and peaceful. And I was talking to one of the current employees, and she said that a lot of times if you sign up for a seasonal job, and you work hard, and they like you, they'll let you stay even after the seasons over. If I dont get that job, I am going to continue to help me dad(He builds stuff, does bobcat work, grinds tree stumps, handyman stuff) until we finish the garage we are building, and then I am going to apply at a grocery store to be a cart pusher.(Not the best job I know, but its all they let people my age do, and Ill get plenty of exercise) If that doesnt work then I dont know what Ill apply for. Wish me luck? I really dont have any prior job experience I can use to help me here...


  • Good luck Cybe <3<br>Im sure you'll be fine :D
  • zomg I just applied for my first job too, lol. Waiting to get a call from the manager (chickfila) I'm really excited and scared at the same time so yeah you're not alone lol. I've heard the first week of working is hard for everyone, but after you've gotten used to the people and the work, it's pretty easy (and hopefully fun). My brothers are both managers at this cfa so I feel a little better about it. But you'll do fine, Cybeh :3 Good luck <3
  • Coming from someone whose working two jobs right now... The best thing you can do is be prepared. <br><span style="font-weight:bold">Take a Resume.</span> Since you have no previous work experience list volunteer activities, school activities etc. <br><span style="font-weight:bold">Dress Appropriately.</span> When you go to pick up an application, turn in an application, or go for an interview look presentable. For interviews don't wear anything with holes or shreds. No trashy tops. Things of that sort.<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Be Early.</span> This shows the prospective employer that you will be on time to work and that you really want the job.<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Smile.</span> I cannot stress how much difference a smile can make, it can truly make it or break it in some cases.<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Do not get discouraged.</span> If you don't get the job that doesn't mean you won't ever get one. You have to keep looking.<br><br>And if you're still in the applications process.. fill out all of the applications you can, see if the place is hiring. For a website that has a local hourly job search pm me.<br><br>This is the easiest time of year to get an hourly job because a lot of college kids will be going back to school.
  • Thanks guys (: (And good luck SpikeyBear!)<br><br>The only thing I have an issue with is a resume. I dont really know how to make one, and I haven't done any volunteer work within the last 2 or 3 years, (Bad I know, I kept trying to do some this summer but I was never home for more than like a day at a time and if I was home I was doing homework) and I havent been involved in any school activities really, except some clubs freshman year and Im on the bowling team. Dont know if that counts?
  • You'll want to have something to show them that you're responsible enough to work for them.. maybe start by volunteering places.<br><br>My friend got a job working at a library a few years ago by volunteering there first.<br><br>&& to see what to include on a resume, Google is your friend. :P
  • Well the only people I work for are my dad and babysitting for family..but it says no personal Im stuck xD<br><br>And I do plan on doing some volunteering soon (:
  • Whoo! I'm applying for my first job this week too xD<br>I'm trying for a cashier worker at a grocery store or Target, then subway and video stores >.> They generally hire us younger 'kids' with having to pay cheaper wages and such, I should be able to get into one of em :3 <br><br>You can find -tons- of resume templates online, once you get started writing it, the rest just flows easily I found ;P<br>Oh and for refs I would use a school teacher or year co-ordinator, sports coach/instructor etc<br>Good Luck! :P
  • I'd love to work in a video game store! Or like a video rental place. But they're like "You have to be 18 to rent the M games and R movies" And so apparently you have to be 18 to rent them out to people too. I refuse to work in fast food because...well I just do xD The only exception I will make is my uncles resturant, because he may be putting a new one up near my house. And good luck to you too Clo!
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