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The add rule

Ok so im a sponser, but for novices how elese are they suppose to post adds other then seding msgs? I mean ive seen some sponsers who will go out of there way to write they wont post bark park for novices on the kennl. And knowbody will click on a fourm post that says 1x4 for sale whipee. And some novices a one by fours a lot, so why not tel lother novices. Yes its super annoying getting msgs when your a seris player that says heyz buyz my dogiz nowz, wich i dont think is accepteble, but i do think its ok when some serious novice players say Hey I have some great 8x4 stat maxed huskys!


  • totouser wrote:
    but i do think its ok when some serious novice players say Hey I have some great 8x4 stat maxed huskys!
    <br><span style="font-size:90">So why can't they post a thread like that on the forums?<br>I don't see any reason that ad rule is "wronging" the novices.<br>There's a forum for a reason, and it allows sponsors and novices alike.</span>
  • see im like half way agreeing with you. There is a huge age difrence on this game, kids as young as 8, and adults over 18 play it, and a majority of the younger players juts dont have dogs like that. So why post it on fourms, and I think it just takes so much fun out of the game for them. I started the game at age 7 and I was just like them, but I played when we chould post bark park. If we chouldnt, I whouldnt be posting this. <br> And frankly before I say this I want to state I love vp and mean no offense to it, but a couple years ago when I played, under "online" thered be 40 players at a time. Nows there rarely 20. I had to figh for a bark park add, now one add will be on for like a day! VP isnt as popular as it used to be, and I beleive its due to the decrease of novice players, I mean we all started as a novice, liked it and upgraded. But how will you experince the game and like it, if you cant do anything with it? When I say anything I mean adds because thats how you make money
  • Add's are just annoying no matter what there about.<br>And novice's did have the bark park.<br>But they broke rules and got it taken away.<br>And the forums are just as good so they can use them.<br><br>So the rule should be there
  • If people don't want to buy 1X4's, why should they have to deal with messages selling 1X4's? If players don't want to buy stuff at all, why should they endure 20 or more messages every time they log on of other players selling stuff? Private message ads are just like solicitation calls in real life. No one wants to get them, so why should they have to get them?<br><br>You can't very well say you can only use private messages to advertise IF your dogs are 8x4 or better or your artwork is 100% original and doesn't use banner maker or other websites, just won't work. It's an all or none situation.<br><br>As for them being able to tell other novices, sponsors usually have novice accounts as well, why would them being on their novice account make it alright for other novices to spam them with stuff they don't want?<br><br>Of those 40 novice accounts that were online back then, I can almost guarantee you it was really only about 25 players (multiple accounts). Of those 25 players, maybe half were actually playing or trying to play the game, the rest were trying to make dates, fight with other players or worse. The online list looked more like a dating site than a game about virtual dogs. Almost all the short descriptions were personal information. When we started being overloaded with VERY inappropriate messages between supposedly underage players and subsequently started enforcing the "no personal information" policy is when a lot of "players" left. They left hollering and screaming because they weren't here for the game, they were here to connect to underage kids to talk about inappropriate things or to get into virtual fights with other players. When I first started oping on VP, a joke among Ops was that the game didn't have hundreds of players, it was just a dozen players with a hundred accounts each, it was that bad sometimes.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • sorry i didnt mean to offend anyone. I agree with all your statments in a way, but im sort of pig headed and im still sticking to mine.
  • I'm a novice. However, I've been on here for a while and I know what I'm doing.<br><br>Having said that, I also know how hard it is to make it, even back when we had BarkPark. Most of the younger kids aren't going to know how to use Photoshop or look at a bunch of letters and numbers and make it a layout. However, I also know how annoying it is to get the constant "yu wanna by my dogz? deyr cheep!" So, I'm pretty much on the line. I'm usually less annoyed at the ones that actually use proper grammar and spelling... but they are still annoying. I really don't know. It's a toughie.
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  • <span style="font-size:85">There are plenty of places for a novice to advertise besides the barkpark and pms. Their kennel pages, the forums, the short description of their kennels, etc. I am a novice, however I consider myself to be a much more mature, succesful novice than some. Yes, I think that the barkpark rule is unfair in someways. Saying "the novices broke the rules" isn't entirley correct because not all novices are those 1x4 breeding, rude newbies. In fact, I know a lot of novices that are more succesful, mature, and kind than some sponcers. Being a sponcer doesn't neccasarily mean you are more mature than novices, it just means you were able to pay to have more privlages than other players. (This does not apply to all the hardworking sponcers out there. Please don't be offended, this is not directed at anyone and I know that most of you are very hard working and succesful. Some even earned virtual cash to pay for their sponcers.) All I am saying is that some novices do deserve to be allowed to post on the barkpark. However I know there is no way to include some novices and exlude others, and I mostly agree with the fact novices aren't allowed on the BP. <br><br>Also, about the forums thing....You really don't see a lot of 1x4's for sale! Or many annoying newbie ads on the forums. I think part of the reason why is because being on the forums helps you learn more about the game. I didn't go on the forums until I had played for one year, and when I did, I became a better player by learning from the other players on the forums. <br><br>Getting dog for sale ads in annoying. Even though they're not allowed, they still send them. Like bama said, why should someone breeding 10x4s have to constatly deal with messages regarding 1x4s? Novices will be alright-I am. For me it was all part of the "learning process." Many times I was kindly corrected with "Please don't send me ads, it's against the rules." Sometimes I was put on ignore. But not having the barkpark didn't stop me for becoming a more succesful player. <br><br>PS soyyr if I'm not making a lot of sense, I was a little confused as to whether this post was directed at the barkpark or messaging or both. </span>
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • It was more directed toward messaging. Like I said I agree with everything you all have said- still theres something I think that should stop the rule of messaging!
  • If people have good dogs, they don't need to advertise to be able to sell them. If they have nice dogs and people are looking for a particular breed, they will search for that breed and find those people. Of course, they won't sell them the day they put them up, since they cant advertise on barkpark it may take a while for their dogs to be discovered, but it's all a part of patience. We've all been through it. Good dogs get discovered, is basically the small version of what I'm trying to say. <br><br>Kennels get out there by working on their own and getting better. If you have good eventers, for example, you don't need to do a thing to have several people asking for your dogs. it takes a little work, but with good dogs, you can sell them without advertising.<br><br>If your dogs aren't good enough, then honestly, I don't want to hear about it. I get tons of messages from people asking me to buy their dogs. I ignore them, and if I find the same person keeps sending me things, I block them. They are a waste of my time *shrugs* <br><br>All advertising by sending PMs does is annoys other players who aren't going to buy the dogs anyway.<br><br><br><br>The game isn't made to make you successful in a day. A lot of novices think this way (I do too on other sites, believe me, I get frustrated when I'm not on the top charts of the game fast) but, likewise, I don't go around on these other sites messaging people and asking them to buy my stuff or anything like that. I know it takes time as a new player, and people need to realize this more often. Yes, having a sponsor kennel CAN help, but even as a novice there are plenty of ways to make money. A lot of the people selling low stat dogs seem to sell them for about as much money as they can make just spaying/neutering and releasing/retiring them.<br><br>If some of these PM ad people would spend as much time placing bets on event dogs and spaying/neutering as they do sending out ads, they'd probably be making more money xD<br><br>Barkpark is more clear now without novices posting. It may be unfair for me as a sponsor to say so, but it's true. And honestly, even if novices COULD advertise their 1x4s on barkpark... the result would be the same. No one would buy them anyway. Aside from, possibly, other novices who don't know what they're buying.
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • All advertising by sending PMs does is annoys other players who aren't going to buy the dogs anyway.<br><br>If some of these PM ad people would spend as much time placing bets on event dogs and spaying/neutering as they do sending out ads, they'd probably be making more money xD
    <br><br>Agreed, which is why it's against the rules. People come to have fun, not be annoyed by spam by players who don't even take the time to read the help files or even ask others what are good ways to make money, let alone do it.<br><br>Also agreed. I did a little experiment on one of my novice accounts. Didn't ask for anything, didn't do art, just buying, neutering and releasing dogs and betting on events. In a week's time, just logging in about 30 minutes to an hour a day to check for events that were almost filled, place and collect bets and buy/neuter dogs, I cleared over 100K. I bet I put some money in some other novice's pockets as well buying their dogs since I did not "adopt" dogs from rescues.<br><br>Advertising through PM isn't where you get business, getting to know other players and letting them get to know you is how you get business. Each time I warn for ads, I tell them they can post on the forums and in chat, where they might also learn something about how to make money, but very rarely do I see them here.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • By the way it is illegal for children under 13 to use the internet ( or something like that xD ) without parental consent, and I bet you didn't ask your mum or dad to play the game at 7! >.><br><br>And when kids message me about posting on the barkpark, I direct them to the forums because lots of people frequently use the forum.
    ^ Click for comics
  • actully my mom played with me when i was 7. she had an account, but she dint like it. And I guess now that I have read all this your right. )=
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