<span style="font-size:90">Yesterday-I went to a 4h meeting, lo and behold-we went on a trail ride instead.
<br>So..I found out Adario (BO's son) is riding Dude for fair..I was actually a bit disappointed..but all in all-I'm not going to be upset about it, because I was already told I could ride Jamie's horse Thunder for fair and for any other shows they happen to go to (which will be next year) by both Jamie and her mother. She was really nice about it, offered that she has a whole farm of horses I could ride anytime (I still have to ask Jamie when I can come up to try out Thunder or another) she had said that I could even try out Honey if I didn't like/do well with Thunder.
So I'm kind of excited, I'm not going to be completely devastated if it doesn't happen though, because the family is somewhat..flaky, ya know?<br><br>But anyway-Mendi came up to the barn, Vic, Hayley and I were up there before playin' around bareback on Toby, and I found out that I was going to ride Lucky. Mind you-when I first came here, Mendi refused to see how I could do on either Super or Lucky (only horses open for 4h) because she felt I was pretty much the worst rider ever, blah blah blah. Mendi then goes on to tell me about how I can't use my strength like I do on Dude (which is just how you have to be with him) and I have to be polite and <span style="font-style:italic">ask</span> Lucky to do what I want her to..so I was a bit tentative, because all the other horses I've ridden-don't get asked and persuaded, they get asked and then told. Lucky also kicks other horses..and apparently trees. <span style="font-weight:bold">*rolls eyes*</span> But-I knew I could do this, and this was another opportunity to get another horse under my belt, as well as one to show Mendi that I actually can ride and I don't just sit on the horse.
<br><br>Mendi ended up tacking her, because I had no clue of what tack she wears or anything, I did get to use my normal saddle though.
With my extra-wide stirrups that everyone else at the barn hates. xD<br><br>So, got on and walked up to the top arena/field thing and waited for Mendi to finish and walk up with Adario (because he's not the most compitant rider in the world either..but better than Brent, so that's a good thing...)<br><br>Alajia told me I was suppose to go last, because Lucky is always high-strung and kicks, I ended up going after Chey (who leases Lucky) on her new little colt Ritz. Drew was behind me, because he was suppose to be able to keep Sox off Lucky's butt so he didn't get kicked. ;;<br><br>So, the line-up: (Rider/Horse) Alajia/Teabird, Chey/Ritz, Amanda (me, lol)/Lucky, Drew/Sox, Hayley/Toby, Vic/Poco, Jamie/Tunie, Adario/Dude, and finally Mendi/Illusion. Mendi and Adario ended up switching for some reason half way through though..and I ended up switching with Chey because Ritz wouldn't go through one of the pathways with trees on either side.<br><br>We ended up going on almost a 2 hour trail ride. o.o My back was sore when I got home. xD<br><br>Lucky tried taking off twice through the pinetree trail me and Drew made awhile back, then bucked (which she doesn't normally do) twice and ended up slamming my crotch into the horn at the bottom of the hill right after the pinetrees. ;; <br><br>She did really good, I think, during the trail other than going up hills. She ended up kicking two trees though, for whatever reason. xD The second time it was a decent sized tree, lol. We were walking along the trail, nicely, and all of a sudden she starts goin' diagonal and kicks at this random tree twice, lmao. I thought it was funny..even though she got all..hyper right after the rest of the way up the hill. ;; And then shoved my head into a leafy branch. <span style="font-weight:bold">*fail*</span> haha<br><br>So, my mum is freaking out this whole time, because she was at the barn a little after 20.00h when we were still on the trail ride, but I wasn't about to try and text her while I was on Lucky..and I sure as hell wasn't about to try and call.
She did ruin my good mood after the ride was done..but I don't even want to get into that.<br><br>So-we finally got out of the woods/trails and into the field. o.o I have never seen a horse freak out so bad XD She tried dashing up the hill, throwing a kicking/bucking fit, etc. I finally settled for a slight prance, since she wasn't about to nicely walk back to the barn. lol<br><br>She was all foamy and icky, lmao, and she's black-so it looks really nasty. xD We sprayed them off after we untacked, and I got a popsicle.
<br><br>But then I had to leave because my mum was sitting at the bottom of the driveway-honking the horn like she was about to die or something, which is really embarassing. .-. I felt so bad..Then-she shoved me in the backseat because my brother was sitting in the front. I get sick in the backseat, simple as that. I almost puked in my uncle's car, with all his nice leather seats last time he made me sit in the back. And my head felt like it was going to explode. >.> But that doesn't matter, because I made her wait in her car for about 40 minutes.
<br><br>But overall-Mendi texted me later last night and asked me how I liked Lucky, and she said I looked great on her from what she saw and that she seemed to do really well for me.
Then said that now we know I have more options when I come up. *flails* <br>But anyway..this added another horse on my list of ones ridden.
<br><br>So total, my list now is: Whitey, Huey, Toby, Scotch, Dude, Tunie, Donald, Poco and now Lucky
And the only ones without much challenge were Whitey and Huey xD Those were the first two horses I ever rode off a leadline, btw, lol. </span>
I Keith Urban!