I would like to see holiday breeds like what players suggested on in the 'holiday breeds' thread. The only problem is, people had fits the last time holiday breeds were added. If I were the owner and had players get all mad at me trying to be nice, I wouldn't be inclined to do it again. <br><br>Even so, I'd still like to see some holiday breeds. I think they are a cute idea. Can never have too many breeds!
They were the halloween breeds. Plagued poodle, spooky shepherds, mummified malamutes, along with some others.<br><br>The arguments were basically about how its bringing in religion to the game (but the people who said that wanted christmas breeds which is hypocritical xD), how the colors were gruesome, and some just plain didn't like fake breeds. <br><br>Players made groups that were called Anti-Halloween Dogs or something along those lines. They wanted nef to take them all back and get rid of them. It was a huuuuuuge thing back awhile ago. So you can see why no new holiday breeds have been added as of yet. I also think they've been busy putting updates and such together.
I Keith Urban!