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ouija boards.

edited August 2010 in General Discussion
has anyone played with them, or had any friends who had experiences with them? i've never used one, and i never plan on using one either. -_- i've heard that weak hearts are more open to demon/spirit possession, and that's me! i'm the very paranoid and superstitious person. xD<br>but while on another forum i go to, i was reading through the thread about ouija boards, and MAN the stories are freaky. o.o<br><br>they say that ouija boards are portals to the demon/spiritual world. }:<br>i believe in ghosts and spirits and demons, possession, exorcism, etc. =__=<br>but i was just curious to see if any of you guys have played it. o:<br><br>seriously... ouija boards are creepy. |:


  • I have.. A long time ago.. They are really freaky lol. <br>I was with a bunch of friends and stuff in the room started doing stuff...<br>Then one of my friends was like "This is Balogna!" And she ruined the moment. Lol
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  • Never have used one, never planning on using one.<br>Yes, they do open doors that you sometimes do not want to open. We have family stories. >.> some people in our family aren't very bright.
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  • My brother messed with one once.. scared the crap outta him and he said he would never go near one again.
  • My mom forbids having one in the home xD So, can't say I ever have had experience with them. I probably never would anyway. Im so paranoid about everything xD
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • <span style="font-size:90">I tend to be really arrogant with the whole paranormal deal. ;;<br>It's not a great thing, but I probably won't change.<br>I'm sure me and Drew or other people would've used one more than once by now if we'd have one handy; neither of us have one.<br>I have a few shadow people that..stalk me, I guess you could say.<br>I've been told everything from-it's your imagination or they're harmless to they're eviil demon spirits. o.O<br>I've had multiple OOBs which have put me on the astral plane with them, I've had an actual demon/malevolent spirit in my room one night that kept me up, so I'm a firm believer too. xD<br>But anywho-main point of post-I haven't had any myself, nor have any of my friends (that I know of), but if we had one handy-there would for sure have been use of it.. :3</span>
  • Never used one. Probably never will.<br>I'm a very science oriented person, so demons and things like that are just stories to me.
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  • Never have, never will.<br>My friend did it once, says its freaky but not true.<br>I'm very cautious about this stuff, so I don't like to take those risks...
  • dang guys. ouija boards are creepy, but there are some people that just say it's bogus or whatever. but i still believe in them. o.o<br>@ femalevamp14; wow! really? o.o i think i'd suffer from insomnia if i had seen a demon spirit in my room. ;-;
  • <span style="font-size:90">lmao, there was a lot of talking and trying to work it out with some friends who've been in similar situations and such.<br>I now have a bowl of water under my bed, and it hasn't come back I'm kinda glad. xD<br>And it was really creepy...<br>It was this black mass crawling/laying/sitting/being on my floor with a swishing demon-y tail and clawed fingers. D:</span>
  • My mom and her sisters (my aunts), played with it when they were teens. They lived in a ranch that was haunted. According to my mom, the board told them that they wanted my aunt (my godmother), the spirit was a man, and he wanted my aunt to go the basement. They got rid of the board a couple days later because my aunt wouldn't stop crying, and everyone was freaked out. My mom actually wanted to buy me one when i was like 18. I'm not afraid of it, but i'm not allowed to have one anymore because my gf and my friends won't let me since they are afraid.
  • <span style="font-size:90">lmao, there was a lot of talking and trying to work it out with some friends who've been in similar situations and such.<br>I now have a bowl of water under my bed, and it hasn't come back I'm kinda glad. xD<br>And it was really creepy...<br>It was this black mass crawling/laying/sitting/being on my floor with a swishing demon-y tail and clawed fingers. D:</span>
    <br>-dies- i'd move out of that house if i were you and i saw that. xDD<br><br>@ lycanthrin; wow. o.o that's creepy.<br><br>people say to <span style="font-weight:bold">never</span> burn a ouija board. you're supposed to throw it away, not burn it. apparently when you burn it, it screams and lets out demons or whatever that haunt you? o_O oh, and the person that hears it scream has only 36 hours to live. <br>that last part is a bit sketchy, but if that was true, that's sad. xDD
  • For some reason I'd like to use on again.. I like to figure things out and I find some of this stuff cool. But I'd be careful with what I'd do with it for sure.
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  • BlueIsis wrote:
    <br>-dies- i'd move out of that house if i were you and i saw that. xDD<br><br>people say to <span style="font-weight:bold">never</span> burn a ouija board. you're supposed to throw it away, not burn it. apparently when you burn it, it screams and lets out demons or whatever that haunt you? o_O oh, and the person that hears it scream has only 36 hours to live. <br>that last part is a bit sketchy, but if that was true, that's sad. xDD
    <br><br><span style="font-size:90">Lmao! I'm trying to move out, but not because of that xD<br>There's a black cat with a mangled paw in my basement shower room, I haven't seen him for awhile..but I've seen him down there multiple times, lol.<br>There've been more than just those too xD<br>The shadow people/creatures are almost always here..They kinda just watch and hover around me. o.O I'm still not sure why, heh..<br><br>I've heard the first part about it letting out whatever it can..but I've never heard of the person that hears the scream dying within 36 hours, lol.</span>
  • mehh oh Ouija boards... I hate em to be honest.<br>My friends are all into those type of things and those creepy movies etc.<br>My mother would smack me silly if she knew I had even touched one of those.<br>Which I have quite a few times and if you ask me there pretty real.<br>Maybe not the physical part, but emotionally you'll get creeped out.<br>With my stories, the first time was at a big birthday party at my friends.<br>Basically the top was on the carpet, next to the board. But when we came back it was on the word 'no'.<br>Which of course we all got creeped out and stuff.<br>The other time, my friends asked if someone was there and the freakin thing moved to yes. <br>So yeah, the shiz is creepy and its probably not... healthy XD lol in a sense, I hate them but I'm telling no lies.
  • My meanie neighbor made me use one with her when she was babysitting me when I was like 5. I started crying XD I havent used one since, and I would maybe. I dont know. I believe too much in the paranormal sometimes, and with my luck Id be attacked be some malevolent force. Or believe I was, anyway. If I didnt have such a bad experience when I was little I might use them though. <br><br>Also Ive heard you're supposed to rip them into like 7 pieces and sprinkle them with holy water if you believe youve contacted an evil spirt and want to get rid of it. Idk where I heard that though xD
  • I think I'm going to get one in later in life just to see what it's about xD
  • noooooooooo you are not allowed garnie >:O<br>lol seriously, *glares*
  • I want to use one SOO bad. <br><br>You can buy them at Target for about 20$<br> <br>but Mom won't let one in the house. <br>D:
    we will see
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  • I own an old wooden one. I keep it in my room. (xD) <br>I bought it off someone at a garage sale, they told me they just 'needed to get rid of it immediately.' <br>I used to use it all the time, I haven't really touched it in a good two years now, though. ;)
    name is britti elizabeth :D
  • I want one badley, but mom wont allow one in the house
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