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Poor Dog..

edited August 2010 in Vent
Me and my friend were going to karate the other day and my friends mom in the front seat wanted to tell us what happened to her friends dog. The lady and her dog went out some where and came back later. Something must have been wrong with the lady because she forgot the poor dog in the car. The temperature that day was roughly 106-108, the car heated up quickly. The next morning the lady came out looking for her dog and saw the poor thing in the back of the car. Sadly the dog didn't make it. The dog had been in the car most of the afternoon and all night long and around here at night the temperature barely drops to 100. She suspected it had been dead before night time. Poor Dog, The dog was very small. I said to my friend how could you forget about your dog, wouldn't you notice your dog was gone?


  • Sadly a lot of things like this happen in the summer. Sometimes its children that are left in the car and die. Im sorry to say, but I'm glad it was a dog and not someones child. Its really easy for something to slip your mind if you're really busy that day. I'm sure it was pure accident. Poor puppy. D;
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