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Poor Cat

edited August 2010 in Vent
Yesterday as I was heading to the animal shelter (which of course wasn't going to open for another 45 minutes), I saw a man holding a young black cat with no collar, he was just holding it in his arms. I inquired why he was holding a cat, and the man said "We are giving her back, she's just too much trouble". So here I am thinking, how much trouble is a cat? <br><br>A little girl about two years old pops out from behind her father and squeals "DONUT!". Donut? I must have had a puzzled look on my face, because the man looks at me and says: "The cats name is Donut". He places the cat in the TWO year old girls hands. She starts running away, trips, and falls almost on the cat. He runs to the cat, picks her up, and brushes the dirt off of his daughter's knees. How can a two year old hold a cat?<br><br>I volunteered to hold the adorable kitty, it was purring in my arms the whole time. I just feel bad that once the cat was taken out of the shelter, kept in a nice home for 4 months, then returned. Then again, the cat probably wasn't too good with the little girl, vice versa. Now I feel guilty that I didn't take the kitten :( After that a volunteer who helped sell the cats tells me "Don't worry, they get returned all the time".<br><br>I went onto a website for a animal shelter, and all cats over 6 months were FREE. No one seems to adopt cats these days, only dogs.
Accidentally deleted my signature :/ Whoops :0


  • It's true.. I'm a volunteer at an animal shelter and there is so many sweet cats that need homes.. but no one takes them.. they only take the kittens.. same with dogs. The day puppies go up for adoption theres about 20 people waiting for them to open so they can adopt the puppies. Its good because these puppies are coming from Tennesse and Kentucky, etc where they couldn't get homes and were to be put down.. but theres so many great dogs like this one dog, her name is Sasha.. she's an Akita Basenji mix. Very sweet, she gives "hugs", she's completed basic agility training.. she's perfect but she looks like a pit and barks in her cage.. people don't like that
  • Lots of times cats escape from their owner, resulting in a shelter finding them, too. Ohhh, a Sasha? There is a Sasha at the animal shelter I volunteer at also! I have no clue what she is though.........
    Accidentally deleted my signature :/ Whoops :0
  • I have never been to one of the local animal shelters other than the Humane Society, and I have to agree they have like 10 times more cats than dogs. I do believe that in the world in general there are more cats than dogs though. (Correct me if Im wrong) Everytime I go I want to get one of the older cats, whos nice and calm and just wants a home. But even after I worked my butt of for a year to get a cat, my dad made me get a kitten. And shes still a nut case even though shes like 4 years old. And my dad doesnt even like cats. I think people are like fascinated by the small ones, and I dont think half the time they realize the big ones were just as small not that long ago...
  • Oh I rescue cats, too many.<br>My mom loves animals. In the same week this summer we got one kitten and one adult cat that were both going to the shelter if someone didn't want them.<br>We now have 6 cats, only one of which wasn't rescued. Lol<br>Funny thing is that the one we have that was abused LOVES people. SO odd. Lol
    Back in action?
  • There are more cats in the world than dogs.. but more dogs have homes.. Yep.. happy to say Sasha got adopted. And they just had a "Puppy Day" a bunch of puppies got adopted. Theey have a gorgeous Belgian Malionis now. Her name is Dutchess
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