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I think...

we should be able too take Day turns. not weeks


  • I don't see anything wrong with the way dogs are aged now. Making day turns vs week turns would make grooming/RHing to any age a painfully long project and training prices would either spike or trainers just wouldn't bother. I vote no. :)
  • Maybe you should explain why you want to take days instead of weeks?<br><br>Weeks, in my opinion, is easier and faster than days.. Can you imagine taking 365 turns just to gain a year of dog age? Now think about grooming for 12 years... Novices wouldn't have a chance only getting a set number of turns each day.<br><br>Besides which changing to days instead of weeks would require changing almost every single training code, dog aging code, female dog breeding code (including turns for birthing pups) and turn costs and probably other things I can't think of offhand.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • I agree with what Alabama said, I vote no.. especially with long grooming it would take too long :roll:
  • As a trainer, I most def vote no.<br><br>It would be horrible for long grooming, and as far as codes would be to much work for the new owners.<br><br>I think its fine how it is, but perhaps you could explain why you think this would be useful?
  • I agree, I don't see the purpose of this? It would just make training/breeding/aging harder. It's not like this is real life and you don't want time to go by.
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