Apparently, I'm getting a wolf hybrid. My husband's mom got one, and when my husband mentioned me wanting a puppy, she offered the hybrid to us... so if all works out, I'll be getting my puppy. She's 4 months old, and according to Vincent's mom, she has amazing temperament. I trust her judgment, as she used to train and breed German shepherds, akita, and Australian shepherd.<br><br>I'm kind of wary about getting her, but I think if I train her properly, and maintain the dominant role, all should be well. The pup's father is a domesticated timber wolf, weighing in at 175lbs, and the mother is either arctic or gray wolf mixed with husky, so the pup is approximately 75% wolf.<br><br>So has anyone owned or spent time with wolf hybrids? Yes, I've already read up on laws regarding ownership, and all is well.<br><br>Also, we'll be getting pictures of her soon. xD; We're brainstorming names now. I'm trying to convince Vincent of the name Kali (Kah-li), the Hindu goddess of Change.
<br><br> Over all, I'd personally suggest skipping this puppy. If you are legitimately interested in owning a hybrid, take some more time to learn about them, and then find a breeder that will let you interact with the puppy early on. I'd even suggest finding local owners or clubs so you can get some insight and hands on experience with multiple adult dogs, because there can be decent appearance and behavioral difference in each individual dog.<br><br>Good luck.
Goals: 13/50million VPC
Goals: 13/50million VPC
Temporary Training -- Breeding -- Showing -- Gifty Holding -- Decoy Line
Goals: 13/50million VPC