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Eventing Suggestions

So, anyway... I have thought up some new ideas that revolve around eventing that would be nice to incorporate into the game and would certainly help improve it ;P<br><br><span style="color:#800080"><br>1. New sponsor kennel type (or add onto prestige kennels?) of a handlers ability. Handlers ability could be added to the skills page to use your fame points on like the business, training, breeding, etc. and could give your dogs a boost of 5-10% or so. But, you'd need to be a prestige kennel, or handlers kennel, to be able to get this bonus. It could also allow you to show more dogs (6 instead of four?) since, you'd be paying 25$ to have it ;P</span><br><br><span style="color:#BF4000">2. Fame point boosts (as mentioned by Shay ;D) Perhaps fame points could be used elsewhere aside from tiny add ons to dogs stats? Perhaps there could be a new option that gives dogs a push in events [Fame points can be used in boosting Agility, flyball, hunting, weight pull, etc. skills by so much] this might need a lot of coding... I have no idea, but it'd be pretty nifty ;P</span><br><br><span style="color:#800080">3. New eventing add-ons - titles for events. For example, when I run agility, I get a certificate for "Handlers Games" "Standard" "Strategy Games" etc. So, why couldn't VP dogs win such things? This could be for all types of events... every qualifying run could win such a thing (adding Qs and NQs to agility, for instance - dogs can mess up their runs if not trained properly) Because, some dogs can win agility for not even having sport training... which I don't think is right xD</span><br><span style="color:#800080"><br>And for confirmation.... perhaps adding actual sections of the wins? Such as Best in show, best of breed, best opposite, etc. <br><br>All the events seem kind of flat to me... like there's nothing really to them aside from entering your dog and getting a place and getting fame points. I think some other sort of thing should be incorporated to make the game a little more fun. This way, not everyone has to have a first place dog to win things, and everyone could have fun. (this idea was off another game)<br><br>Some personal ideas for eventing add ons would be new events for one, such as<br><br>Earth Dogs<br>Canine Freestyle<br>Rally Obedience<br>& separating agility & flyball into different event types. For instance, Flyball can be Mixed Team or Pure Team (mixed being different dog breeds on the teams, pure being all the same breed on a team) and agility can be separated into the different games (jumpers, snooker, standard, etc.)<br><br>Jumpers for instance is going to need a faster dog, snooker would need a dog with more intelligence/obedience.<br><br>Also for agility, there could be different jump heights incorporated. This would actually put dog heights to good use when breeding ;P (4", 8", 16", etc.) since, in agility, dogs run against their own height (at least in the club I run in... I think AKC might put all dogs against each other, but I'm not 100% sure)<br><br>these are the only two events I know a lot about since I actually run them... so if other sports are divided into different things, those options could be added as well.</span><br><br><span style="color:#BF4000">4. Kennel Specialties. This was something discussed before I believe... having kennels specialize in a certain event, in which they would get a bonus for that event. So, I'll continue with agility... if your kennel specializes in agility dogs, you will have a bonus in agility events. This could be another sponsor account advantage is getting to choose more specialties than novices (say two instead of one?) Every sponsor account would be able to have specialities, as well as novices, but perhaps novices wouldn't get as much of a bonus (not picking on novices xD)</span><br><br><br><br>Anyway, anyone else like these ideas or have anything to add on?
All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.


  • I second this. Prestige kennels have no love expcept the 8 events and make a club, which...isn't popular.
    "Discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in New Eyes."
  • Some good ideas and well presented
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • <span style="font-size:85"><span style="color:#0000FF">I love this! Events need to get a little more exciting on VP ^_^</span></span>
  • Enough said. xD I love this.<br><br>And, perhaps, an add-on to #4?<br>You said 'event speciality', no? Maybe we could have breed specialities as well. <br>Just a thought.
  • Very nice ideas Nickle!<br><br>Hope they can get added :D<br><br>You forgot one of the coolest events ever D:<br>Free style dancing xDD
  • tiffer wrote:
    Very nice ideas Nickle!<br><br>Hope they can get added :D<br><br>You forgot one of the coolest events ever D:<br>Free style dancing xDD
    <br><br><br>XD thats what Canine Freestyle is
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • twloha wrote:
    Enough said. xD I love this.<br><br>And, perhaps, an add-on to #4?<br>You said 'event speciality', no? Maybe we could have breed specialities as well. <br>Just a thought.
    <br><br>Yeah. though I'm not sure what bonuses you'd get for that?
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • Maybe a.. bonus in eventing your speciality?
  • That could be possible ;D Though seems like it might get confusing with the coding xD Iunno.
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • <span style="font-weight:bold">Nickelback__Luver wrote:</span> All the events seem kind of flat to me... like there's nothing really to them aside from entering your dog and getting a place and getting fame points. I think some other sort of thing should be incorporated to make the game a little more fun. This way, not everyone has to have a first place dog to win things, and everyone could have fun. (this idea was off another game)<br>
    <br><br>Maybe when your dog reached a certain level you could get a prize of some kind? I'm not sure, maybe some VPC, some type of fame points bonus, etc Nickelback__Luver
    Accidentally deleted my signature :/ Whoops :0
  • I think titles on the dogs would be enough xD I dont see the need for prizes myself *shrugs* But, maybe your kennel could get some sort of badge or something on it for winning so many titles? Iunno.<br><br>thanks for adding ideas though ;D
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • I saw breed specialty, and I immediately thought 'Hey, wouldn't it be cool if you could pick like.. Three breeds, and whenever you enter dogs of those three breeds you get a small bonus in events?" You'd 'specialize' in those breeds, and it could go back to getting bonuses in breeding and handling too. You could choose your specialties as a novice AND as a sponsor, to give novices a bit more to think about, but once you pick your three, you can only reset them by donating like... One dollar per breed specialty change to the game, or by upgrading your sponsor or something.
  • That's a good idea, ino.<br><br>Maybe instead of RL money, it would be like 500k going back to the game? Some people may not want to pay to change their special, and if there are people like me, I'm sure that would be changed a lot.<br><br>And maybe like 2 specialities for novices and an extra for sponsors?<br><br>:)
  • Yeah, that sounds like a good idea Kaz.<br><br>It could be like kennel changes... you can HAVE three specialties, but when you upgrade your account you get 6 changes for them or something. So, novices could still have three, they just wouldn't be able to change them at all.
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
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