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Lousy Parents..

edited July 2010 in Vent
I get a call from my younger brother while I was getting ready for work. Normally I get ready early but I was on a crunch for time because I had taken a nap before. Well I live in a apartment with my sister Lee and our friend Jacob about 40 minutes away from my mother and my younger brother. My younger brother, Q-tip, is only 13. His mother knows I have a job and I have to work while Lee is taking day classes as well as night classes to graduate early. Guess what my brother wanted..<br>Q-tip: "Ry.. I know you have to work but would you mind picking me up something when you get off?"<br>Me: "Q-tip I get off at about five in the morning."<br>Q-tip: "Oh.. Okay.."<br>Me: "Why? Isn't your mom with you?"<br>Q-tip: "No.. She went over to her boyfriends."<br>Me: "Has she been there any this week?"<br>Q-tip: "Yeah. She was here for about ten minutes then she left, but that was Tuesday."<br>Me: "Has she bought anything for the house?"<br>Q-tip: "No. She's always been gone to her boyfriends. She left me twenty dollars but I can't go anywhere."<br>Me: "I'll be over here in a little."<br>So I hung up the phone and about 45minutes later I arrive at Q-tips house. Well guess what? There is literally nothing in the house edible. So I called in and explained to my boss what happened and why I wouldn't be at work until later. He understood but I'd get written up, I took that chance. So I took my brother to the store bought him breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner for about a week or two. I payed for it myself then took him to eat dinner while we talked. Well guess what. She has been doing this for the last few weeks. So when I took him back she was there.<br>Ronda: "What are you doing with him?"<br>Me: "I took him to get groceries for the house."<br>Ronda: "You didn't need to do that."<br>Me: "You have been gone and he didn't have anything to eat."<br>Ronda: "I don't care! He's not your son."<br>Me: "No he's my little brother and I'm not going to sit around and watch him starve."<br>At this point she starts screaming at me telling me how I make her look bad. How I make her look like the worst parent in the world. Sad thing is.. everything that I have ever said about her has been true. So would that make me a bad person for telling the truth? No. Would that make her in the wrong? I don't know. From her point of view its wrong. So I unload the car and stock up the house and I leave. I don't know what happened to my little brother I have been trying to get a hold of him since I had left yesterday.<br><br>Cookies. Cake. Cheesecake. Lemonade. To all whom read :)<br>Everlasting gratitude for all whom give advice.
I do happen to have a art account on DeviantArt I go by CrimsonApple so if you would like to look at my photography and my colorings from Vhr, feel free.
Owner of Crimson Apple Kennel, bringing you high stated boxers and hyena's.


  • I think you did the right thing with taking your brother to get food =(<br>It's sad that your mother did that.. If it were me in your place, I'd help him out anyways no matter what his mom said.<br>An if you cant get a hold to him, maybe go down to his house and see how he is?
  • Garnet wrote:
    I think you did the right thing with taking your brother to get food =(<br>It's sad that your mother did that.. If it were me in your place, I'd help him out anyways no matter what his mom said.<br>An if you cant get a hold to him, maybe go down to his house and see how he is?
    <br>That's what I am thinking about doing. I'll give him maybe twenty more minutes before I start up the car and go down there because its only noon. I'm still worried about him though..<br>I disclaimed Ronda a while back when she started all of this drama crap with Lee, tis why she moved into the apartment. Though even before that she was always giving Lee and I trouble because we looked like our father.<br>I thought I did the right thing. I wasn't willing to stand by and watch my little brother starve.. that would make me the bad person D:
    I do happen to have a art account on DeviantArt I go by CrimsonApple so if you would like to look at my photography and my colorings from Vhr, feel free.
    Owner of Crimson Apple Kennel, bringing you high stated boxers and hyena's.
  • I understand completely! I wouldn't have let my little brother starve either. I'm glad you were the better person and went to take care of him even though you possibly got in trouble at work. I've threatened to disclaim parts of my family for the way they treat their kids =/ so i slightly know what your going through
  • Garnet wrote:
    I understand completely! I wouldn't have let my little brother starve either. I'm glad you were the better person and went to take care of him even though you possibly got in trouble at work. I've threatened to disclaim parts of my family for the way they treat their kids =/ so i slightly know what your going through
    <br>At least slightly is better then not knowing at all isn't it? At least this way when someone else needs help then you can offer advice and such. I disclaimed about half of my family then the other half I barely even talk to. I have close friends whom I call my family but that's about it besides Q-tip and Lee.
    I do happen to have a art account on DeviantArt I go by CrimsonApple so if you would like to look at my photography and my colorings from Vhr, feel free.
    Owner of Crimson Apple Kennel, bringing you high stated boxers and hyena's.
  • I think you did the right thing, Ry. I was in a similar situation kinda-ish. So I know what you're feeling. <br><br>I think her problem is this:<br><br>She knows she's a bad parent and she doesn't want to hear it from other people. Kind of like..running from the truth. It seems like she wants <span style="font-style:italic">herself</span> to believe she's doing the right thing even when she isn't. Just keep checking up on your brother and everything. It was nice of you what you did. You did nothing wrong (: and if you ever need to talk about anything-feel free to PM/PC me {|:) I'd be more than happy to help.
  • Celtic wrote:
    Garnet wrote:
    I understand completely! I wouldn't have let my little brother starve either. I'm glad you were the better person and went to take care of him even though you possibly got in trouble at work. I've threatened to disclaim parts of my family for the way they treat their kids =/ so i slightly know what your going through
    <br>At least slightly is better then not knowing at all isn't it? At least this way when someone else needs help then you can offer advice and such. I disclaimed about half of my family then the other half I barely even talk to. I have close friends whom I call my family but that's about it besides Q-tip and Lee.
    <br><br>Yea, I talk to my mom and dad, and my brothers. As well as one of my cousins and my grandpa.. other than that.. I have nothin to do with family.. and my family is HUGE lol We even have family here in TN that I've never met
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