<span style="font-size:85">My mom just called me and informed me of some information (I'll make it PG)<br><br>So, my little brother (KJ) and two sisters (Marissa) all have a different dad than me. So...<br><br>Their dad is in jail and has been for nearly 6 months (for child support) well, while he was in jail, he was convicted of other stuff (not appropriate) so...the stuff he's been convicted for would put him in jail for 30 years...but our state has a 2 for 1 thing (serve half your sentence) and so that'd be 15 years...plus if the other people he snitched on get convicted, he'll serve another 10..if not..another 20. So, a minimum of 25 years in jail.<br><br>Marissa is 15.<br>KJ is 14.<br>Caitlyn is 10.<br><br>So his youngest child (that my mom has) will be 35 years old when he gets out. THIRTY-FIVE. (I believe his youngest child is 5 or 6 so he'll be 30 or 31)<br><br>I just want to know...does it even matter to him that he'll miss out on <span style="font-style:italic">everything</span> that goes on in their lives? Everything. He won't get to see them graduate high school or even college, he won't get to see them get married (probably) and I'll put money on it that they'll have kids by then. They will be adults and won't even know their own father. But he doesn't care. He really doesn't. He won't get out for good behavior because of the charges he has against him but he may get out for work release to pay child support. <br><br>Their dad is about 42ish...he'll be over 60 when he gets out. He's been in and out of jail his <span style="font-style:italic">entire</span> life. Yet, it doesn't phase him.He doesn't even care. <br><br>I just want to know..<br><br>what possesses you not to want to be a part of your child's life? What? You won't see anything about them..by the time you get out, you'll have grandkids that won't even know you. Yet, he doesn't care.<br><br>But what I think the worst part about this is:<br><br>When my mom told Marissa, KJ and Caitlyn, it didn't even phase them. They didn't shed a single tear. Their dad isn't in their life anyway. But the fact that they didn't cry-they didn't say anything. <br><br>And yet, I bet that doesn't even bug him.<br><br>[/end rant]</span><br><br>xEPICxFAILx420x

m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t
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