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How Old Is My Dog?

edited August 2010 in Vent
<span style="color:#FF80FF">So a year or so ago we adopted a chihuahua named Beans. She is very lively and in great health, and has great teeth. The vet gave a vestimated guess of her age to be about one year. We had her spayed and vaccinated, she loves to play and run, she even jumps hurdles. One day a couple months ago I notcied she had grey flecking around her muzzle and under her chin. Today I noticed it again and now under her chin is very grey and around her muzzle is also greyer. I looked through her coat and she has grey fleckings in her fur. She still plays, runs and jumps like a young pup. So I looked up online how old chihuahua's are when they start to grey in the face and it said about 10 years old. So could she be really 10 years old? Any Suggestions?</span>


  • I have a 5 year old chihuahua and she has started to grey around her muzzle and has grey flecks through out her coat. I know for a fact that she is only 5 , because I'm best friends with the breeders daughter, and I was there when my puppy was born. I was over there through out the 6 weeks before I was able to bring her home. So I don't think that they begin to turn grey just at age 10 =) I think I would listen to my vet. Haha, speaking of my chihuahua, Heaven, she just jumpd up in my lap and laid down xD
  • I know of a dog that's had a grey muzzle since it was around 2. :)
  • Here are pics of my dog that I just took =)<br><br><span style="color:#0000FF"><span style="font-weight:bold">She is 5 (as I stated above)</span></span><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><span style="color:#FF0000"><span style="font-weight:bold">I circled the spots that weren't grey when she was around 1-2</span></span><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><span style="color:#0000FF"><span style="font-weight:bold">Her other side. I couldn't get her to sit up xD</span></span><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><span style="color:#0000FF"><span style="font-weight:bold">Close ups</span></span><br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>Her chest is white, but the grey around the white has just recently shown up =)
  • Thanks so much =D
  • She definatly is not, She probably is 1 or so,grey could just be a color in her coat,also some dogs get grey earlier than others.
  • Yeah, I kinda doubt she's 10, my dogs has some grey and she's only 5. Maybe you could ask another vet for a second opinion?
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  • I'm not familiar with Chi's.<br>but my one boxer got grey around 5.<br>Then my Lab got grey around 1-3 xD<br>I also think my white boxer would be grey to if she wasn't basically all white xD <br><br>xD
  • My springer has grey/white on his eyebrows that looks like its aging, but I think it's just odd coloring, since he's only just turning four xD He also has this odd whiteness on his tail. I doubt your dog is that old if her teeth are in really good shape ;D
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • My springer has grey/white on his eyebrows that looks like its aging, but I think it's just odd coloring, since he's only just turning four xD He also has this odd whiteness on his tail. I doubt your dog is that old if her teeth are in really good shape ;D
    <br><br>Yes, vets can tell the age pretty well by the teeth. They might be a year or two off, but probably not 10 years.
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • She has pretty yellow teeth the back ones are about 1/2 brown. She has a dark reddish brown coat. I noticed her coat having a few white hairs throughout it. She has a black muzzle which has become grayer within the year. It has gone from peppered with gray to almost full gray on the bottom and has started to gray around the eyes and on the top of her muzzle.
  • The color of teeth don't necessarily identify the age of the animal. Just like human teeth, if they aren't taken care of, they can become yellow and brown. Aging a dog is more about what teeth are present and how much they are worn.
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  • Since you adopted her, it's possible that she is older than you think, even though she was estimated at 1 year. I adopted a pomeranian one time, and the first vet estimated she was 2. Sure enough, after owning her for only a few years, she started to get grey on her muzzle. Later on she had an accident that unfortunately lead to her needing to be euthanized, but the vet that treated her said she was well over 10 years old(which is what we originally assumed, regardless of the first estimate), which made the original estimate way wrong.<br><br>Then again, I've seen adult chihuahuas get grey hair. I don't know what causes it. Could be bad breeding. Almost all the chihuahua's I've seen with greying early on we very poorly bred. Could also be a thyroid problem, since a lot of thyroid conditions can effect a dog's coat. The only way to confirm a thyroid problem is to have your vet perform some tests. The last thing I can think of is a poor diet. You should try giving her some vitamins to promote a healthy coat, and see how that works out.
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  • No need to worry about the teeth.....or age,my dog is 3 and does not have very white teeth,some dogs just have more plauge build up than other (excuse me if I failed on spelling!) We are going to get my dogs teeth cleaned soon.
  • Vets <span style="font-style:italic">can</span> get an estimate on how old a dog is by it's teeth, just like babies - puppies have "baby teeth", after a certain age they loose all their baby teeth. Also, the condition of your dogs teeth is a good indication of how old it is, even if it may only be an estimate. My poodle is almost 13, she's missing about 70% of her teeth. xD And if I'm not mistaken our groomers always brush their teeth, hers are usually white up front.
  • I'd guess about 5 or 6 from the pictures, sometimes the estimates vets make aren't 100% correct.<br>I took one of my cats in to get her spayed... Well neutered because at the time we were told she was a he.<br>Later the vets decided that it was a she.<br>Then again a he.<br>Now she's a she that has been spayed by a different vet.<br>Be very careful when choosing a vet XD
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  • My dog is 3 and she has yellow back teeth,some dogs just get more plauge (my bad if I failed spelling that) than onthers xD.
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