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Dont you dare call me a bad daughter.

edited July 2010 in Vent
I do EVERYTHING for my mom. I lend her money, I take care of her when shes sick, I sit at home worried sick when she goes out and parties with her friends until 2am(shouldnt she do that for me?), I make dinner, and I clean the house every week. <br><br>Im so freaking sick of everyone calling me a bad daughter. Im always fighting with my mom. Yeah, but YOU arent there to know why. All she does is yell at me. I never do anything right. It makes me cry all the time. She threatens to divorce my dad and move out. Shes always going out and leaving me alone. All we ever do is fight. And I always try to be nice and let it go. But Im just a little girl. I can only take so much.<br><br>In front of everyone else she always brags about what a good daughter I am and how I have straight As and shes always nice to and in front of everyone else. But the second theyre gone shes so mean. And everyone thinks I start the fights for no reason, so Im a bad daughter. <br><br>Let me tell YOU something!<br>YOU arent there everyday when I get yelled at. YOU arent there to be told you arent good enough. YOU arent the one afriad youre family is going to spilt up because of YOU. YOU dont know what really goes on, so YOU dont need to call me a bad daughter.<br><br>I want to make it clear I love my mom to death. I just hate her irrational mood swings that she takes out on me and my dad. Shes changed. She was never like that before.


  • That sounds dredful. What I would do,Right when some guests leave talk to her aboout how she makes you feel,the relation ship you want to have and how you want her to treat you.
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