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I need updating.

Hi everyone, I've been away for a while, and now everything is different! :shock: <br><br>I know the New owners and have spoken to them over thier website, I think it's pretty cool :)<br><br>But things have changed and I dont know how to catch up on anything cause theres no chat?! Is it just for sponcer accounts now? (Sold mine before I left) And why is it gone?<br><br>What's happening with the forum I know this one is linked directly to the game, but I have the old one still in my favourites bar at the top of my web page and people are still active on that one, however I posted an auction on this one and it didn't come up on the other, so do we have to post on both in order to get full coverage of players or are they going to be linked?<br><br>I'm a little bit confuzzled.<br><br>Also so upsetting news to those who knew me and my love for rats, My very first Rat - Tempy passed away about a month ago now she was around 2.5 years old, and I miss her so much :(<br><br>Thanks guys!


  • Ok Im going to go through and answer your questions XD<br><br>1. There is chat, just not on the vp website. I would suggest or for going onto chat, there are posts on this and stating how to get in.<br><br>2. No its not just for sponcers as I said above^.<br><br>3. The old one is only up till Sunday at a certain time, just so you could get all the old posts that ahd gotten lost in the move. This is the one we use now, there is a post about this to. Do all posts on here, and forget about the old one. Put this on in your faves.<br><br>Thats so bad about your rat :(
  • <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">viewtopic.php?f=25&t=68620</a> <other links to get into chat
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
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