So, as I have been raving about I have been baby sitting my second and third favorite breeds of dogs. A Boston-terrier: Roxie, and a adorable chubby pug: Madison. <br><br>Let me tell you my problem Roxie is such a sweet dog and she loves and trusts me very much even though I haven't known her all that long. She's the younger dog, and is easily able to steal attention from and elderly, chubby pug. And for some reason she always has to show what an alpha dog she is and be aggressive. Just a few minutes ago, we were eating dinner and Madison and Roxie came to sit by us and beg for scraps like they do, and out of no where Roxie lashes out and bites and chases Madison! Madison didn't even provoke her in anyway. We put Roxie in a separate room. I'm not sure how to exactly punish that, I'm used to dogs. I just went with the classic "No. Bad dog!" and put her away. She but her ears back and got really low to the ground, I'm sure if she had a tail it would have been in between her legs...(she has a nub.)<br><br>Any help with dog discipline?
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