<span style="font-size:75">Ok so, I write <span style="font-style:italic">a lot</span> (Poems, short stories, chapters, songs, etc) and I've recently wrote these poems and would like some critique on them <br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Do not steal or claim as your own. If you do-I will find out. </span><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">A Private War</span> <span style="font-style:italic">This one is kinda long, sorry</span><br><br>One day in June, it was '65<br>A part of me died, yet is still alive.<br>I'm a victim of Nam, but I am not a Vet.<br>I wonder if you've figured it out yet?<br>If the answer is that easy for some of you to see,<br>perhaps you'd be so kind as to explain it all to me. <br>You see, one sunny day in June, my whole world fell apart,<br>I not only lost my son, I lost my soul and heart.<br>The Army said it was a noble fight, they had to take Hill 4,<br>the men had given all they had, then came back and gave some more.<br>My son was one of those noble men who fought so bravely on that day.<br>He had volunteered to go to Nam, that was just his way.<br>He could have stayed behind in school, he didn't have to go.<br>Secretly I prayed he would, I just never told him so. <br>Now I'll probably never get the chance to say how much I care<br>because one minute he was in the battle then suddenly he was "nowhere."<br>He was not killed in action, for his body was never found;<br>he seems to have just vanished, without a single sound.<br>So the Army calls him an MIA, I still call him my son.<br>It's been over 20 years now, I wonder where he's gone.<br>At times I've been discouraged, I ask myself what is the use,<br>then I remember what I'm fighting for; I have nothing more to lose.<br>At first I had so much support from my family and my friends<br>but how long can you expect them to go on fighting when the battle never ends?<br>So one by one they drifted away, like leaves blown in the wind.<br>Don't they care that for some of us this war will never end?<br>What if their son was lost, would they give up after all these years?<br>Just accept the fact he may never come home, realizing their biggest fears?<br>Some days I feel he must be dead, that I'll never see his face;<br>then I remember that he's not home yet, he must be someplace. <br>I wonder if he still has hope, does he dream of being "free"?<br>Does he know that we are fighting to bring him home, does he cry out at night for me?<br>Sometimes I think I'll go insane when these thoughts go through my head;<br>it's living Hell not knowing if your son is alive or dead. <br>When I start losing hope, I remind myself that some have made it through,<br>then I'm tortured by doubts of what could have been done or what we still can do<br>As I watched those men getting off that plane, I cried with tears of joy.<br>But in my heart a voice cried out, "Why couldn't one of them have been my boy?"<br>So when people tell me to give it up, the War is over and done;<br>I tell them I have given enough, I gave my only son.<br>Don't tell me to accept it, that what happened is surely fate;<br>until my son is brought home to me, it will never be too late.<br>How can you forget these men and what they were fighting for?<br>Don't you think they are worth your trouble or don't you care anymore?<br>For you the War is over, enjoy the Freedom that you've won,<br>I'll go on fighting my Private War because I'm fighting for my son.<br>(c) Darky<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">In All its Glory</span><br><br>"I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag."<br>What do these words mean to you? <br>The Flag is more than just some material decorated in red, white and blue.<br>It shows the world that we are free<br>and will fight to stay that way.<br>The cost of freedom may be high,<br>but no price is too high to pay.<br>Those little things we all take for granted,<br>like living our lives the way we choose,<br>may not seem to matter too much;<br>but we all have a lot to lose.<br>Though many have tried to destroy it<br>and seem determined to bring it down.<br>They should know by now it can't be done, <br>we always stand our ground. <br>The Flag itself has been disgraced,<br>it has been burned and torn apart.<br>But what it stands for has not been touched,<br>our Freedom lies within our hearts.<br>Men have fought and died for it,<br>they were willing to give their all.<br>So when you see the Flag flying overhead,<br>America, Stand Proud, Free, and Tall<br>Remember what that Flag really mean,<br>tell the world what we already know.<br>The Lady with the Torch may light the way in,<br>but "Old Glory" waves hello.<br>(c)Darky<br><br>Please do not steal<br>Any critique welcome

Temporary Training -- Breeding -- Showing -- Gifty Holding -- Decoy Line
Temporary Training -- Breeding -- Showing -- Gifty Holding -- Decoy Line