w00t!<br>Well as many of you know I work at a Humane Society. I also own 2 horses and 4 dogs.

<br><br>Well along with my job at the humne society, I have another in my near future...<br>Since I do not have an actual arena for riding on my property, I went to a barn with an indoor arena to ride when I had upcoming shows and whatnot. <br>About 2 years ago, the barn was sold and went under new management. They changed the prices to the point where I could no longer afford to ride there. <br>WELL! Today, I stopped by to meet the new owner.<br>She is VERY nice. I was not dressed in "barn attire" I had on bermuda shorts, flips-flops, my hair was down, and I had on a decent shirt. (I had just come from the mall!) I looked like an idiot! But anyways...I explained to her my situation and my background in horses. <br>She was rather impressed with my skills, experience with both english and western riding, and my knowledge. <br>To my surprise...she offered me a trade. <br>I can work for FREE riding time. That's right FREE! Time in the arena.

<3<3<br>All I have to do is work 3-4 hours and I get to ride for 2 hours or so. <br>It's perfect for my schedule and whatnot. <br>All I have to do is fill out an application!<br>Now I HATE applications. They bother me because I can explain better by talking than I can writing. <br>But heck! It's worth it!
