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Which name do you like best?

<span style="font-size:75"><br>Ok so as many of you know, I'm pregnant (: Now, I'm only 9 weeks pregnant <span style="font-style:italic">but</span> (we're really excited) we've already picked out names (for boys & girls) we've made a pretty big list of each xD so basically, we need help narrowing it down. We <span style="font-weight:bold">love</span> all the names so we can't figure out how to narrow it down so we're asking people to help us narrow it down (: so, just pick the ones you like (up to 5 of each gender) and we'll go from there. <br>Just because ya'll like the name doesn't mean it'll be our final decision, we just want feedback (:<br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="font-weight:bold">Boys:</span></span><br>1. Cayson Blayne (Kay-son Blay-N)<br>2. Cassius Lee (Cash-Us Lee)<br>3. Alexavier Preston (Alex-Ay-Ve-Yur Press-Ton)<br>4. Beagan Dallas (Bay-gan Dal-las)<br>5. Dracen Corbin (Drack-Ken Corb-In)<br>6. Bryce Wyatt (Brice Why-at)<br>7. Gabriel Logan (Gabe-Ree-El Low-Gan)<br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="font-weight:bold">Girls:</span></span><br>1. Liberty Paige (Lib-Err-Tea Page)<br>2. Blaise Mackenzie (Blaze Ma-Ken-Zee)<br>3. Arynna Savannah (Aaron Sah-Van-Ah)<br>4. Aubrey Eve (Aw-Bree Ee-v)<br>5. Keiryn Trinity (Kear-Ren Trin-Ni-Ty)<br>6. Ainsley Reagan (Ain-Slee Ray-Gan)<br>7. Madelyn Alexis (Mad-El-Lyn A-Lex-Is)<br>8. Rayne Harper (Rain Harp-Ur)<br>9. Phoenix Rose (Phee-Nix Rows)<br><br>So, <span style="font-weight:bold">5 of each gender</span><br><br>Just to get feedback on our names is all :D<br><br><br></span>


  • o: Darky, I wasn't aware of this!!! congratulations c:<br><br>here's my choices;<br><br>boys;<br>Cayson Blayne<br>Cassius Lee<br>Alexavier Preston**<br><br>girls;<br>Ainsley Reagan<br>Madelyn Alexis<br>Rayne Harper**<br>Phoenix Rose
  • Boys:<br>Dracen Corbin<br>Cayson Blayne<br><br>Girls:<br>Liberty Paige<br>Keiryn Trinity<br><br>In that order. =p
  • Too lazy to retype names because Im on my phone lol. In this order I like:<br>Boys:<br>7, 6, 4, 1, 3<br>Girls:<br>4, 9, 8, 3, 2
  • <span style="font-size:75"><br>Ok so as many of you know, I'm pregnant (: Now, I'm only 9 weeks pregnant <span style="font-style:italic">but</span> (we're really excited) we've already picked out names (for boys & girls) we've made a pretty big list of each xD so basically, we need help narrowing it down. We <span style="font-weight:bold">love</span> all the names so we can't figure out how to narrow it down so we're asking people to help us narrow it down (: so, just pick the ones you like (up to 5 of each gender) and we'll go from there. <br>Just because ya'll like the name doesn't mean it'll be our final decision, we just want feedback (:<br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="font-weight:bold">Boys:</span></span><br>1. <span style="font-weight:bold">Cayson Blayne</span> (Kay-son Blay-N)<br>2. <span style="font-weight:bold">Cassius Lee</span> (Cash-Us Lee)<br>3. Alexavier Preston (Alex-Ay-Ve-Yur Press-Ton)<br>4. Beagan Dallas (Bay-gan Dal-las)<br>5. Dracen Corbin (Drack-Ken Corb-In)<br>6. <span style="font-weight:bold">Bryce Wyatt</span> (Brice Why-at)<br>7. Gabriel Logan (Gabe-Ree-El Low-Gan)<br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="font-weight:bold">Girls:</span></span><br>1. Liberty Paige (Lib-Err-Tea Page)<br>2. Blaise Mackenzie (Blaze Ma-Ken-Zee)<br>3. Arynna Savannah (Aaron Sah-Van-Ah)<br>4. <span style="font-weight:bold">Aubrey Eve</span> (Aw-Bree Ee-v)<br>5. Keiryn Trinity (Kear-Ren Trin-Ni-Ty)<br>6. Ainsley Reagan (Ain-Slee Ray-Gan)<br>7. Madelyn Alexis (Mad-El-Lyn A-Lex-Is)<br>8. <span style="font-weight:bold">Rayne Harper</span> (Rain Harp-Ur)<br>9. <span style="font-weight:bold">Phoenix Rose</span> (Phee-Nix Rows)<br><br>So, <span style="font-weight:bold">5 of each gender</span><br><br>Just to get feedback on our names is all :D<br><br><br></span>
    <br><br><span style="color:#0000FF"><span style="font-size:85">Hehe, I cheated XD lol I like those tho</span></span>
  • Boys:<br>1. Cayson Blayne (Kay-son Blay-N)<br>6. Bryce Wyatt (Brice Why-at)<br>7. Gabriel Logan (Gabe-Ree-El Low-Gan)<br><br>Girls:<br>3. Arynna Savannah (Aaron Sah-Van-Ah)<br>5. Keiryn Trinity (Kear-Ren Trin-Ni-Ty)<br>9. Phoenix Rose (Phee-Nix Rows)

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