I only have 3 groomings left atm which I'm sending to Whiney seeing as she requested first..<br>I'll be breeding the Pulis and Pyrenees tomorrow afternoon than i shall have more ^.^<br><br>Shameh, Edub; would you like some 280/200's?
Tis alright clo. ^_^<br><br>If you have enough dogs can you send me 7 because I have no dogs to do and plenty of time to train them. :P<br><br>I prefer the grooms not the 280/200's but if you wun our of grooms you can send me some of them too.
Finished the dogs you sent me clo. :P Send more whenever your able to. ^_^<br><br>Also the notes and on here didn't say to get stats to 200 so I wasn't sure whether you wanted that or not. If you did then feel free to send back. xD
Finished the dogs you sent me clo. :P Send more whenever your able to. ^_^<br><br>Also the notes and on here didn't say to get stats to 200 so I wasn't sure whether you wanted that or not. If you did then feel free to send back. xD
<br>Well you can't technically claim the full 2 points for a 200/280 then.. if you want me to resend just say so.<br><br>I'll send the Pulis now, thanks
Yes please. lol. You confused me with the notes. :P
<br>I know I'm sorry D;<br>I kinda just assumed it would reach 200 stats... oh wells, resending now <br><br>btw, what are you doing about getting a partner?
Training Boarding
Training Boarding
Training Boarding
Training Boarding
Training Boarding
Training Boarding
Training Boarding