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Suggestion about Finding Sponser Trainers...

edited November 2005 in Game Suggestions
Maybe there should be a little section on the Specialty Training Kennel Search like you could click something to search for trainers that are open to train for the public and the prices that they're train for. :D <br><br>And sp. trainers can click on the Management Page and there would be a section that says Training: OPEN or CLOSE <br>Then there would be another box thing and it'd say Skill Max Price:(ex. 150k) and another box that says Stat Maxx Price: (ex. 250k) and another box that would say Skill+Stat Maxx Price: (ex. 450k) and a little thing at the bottom that says "for more info on training msg (name of trainer)" :D <br><br>This is just a thought when I msged like 10 sp. trainers asking if they could train and only one was open but they priced for 300k skills, 500k stats and 900k fully, and 250k agro. maxx. That was kinda pricey for me :lol: So I guess it could help people find trainers and get a general idea of prices. Cause I hate when I post about a dog on the BB and I get 10 msgs, 2 about the dog, and 6 asking for training for 10k or less. <br><br> :D <br><br>*Sorry if someone already post something like this topic, I don't check on this forum too often :lol:


  • oo! I like the idea :P
  • Love it! If haveing the prices also is to complecated then just the Open or Closed would be nice :D
  • either would help :P
  • Yes, I hope they get added. That would be fantastic!
  • I dont know about this idea. And my reasons are as follows. When ya do a search in the "Who's online" or etc ordeal, most sponsers like myself have a small ordeal. That displays under their kennel name and says if their open or not. Then most sponsers also have their prices listed on that training kennel, kennel page. So what was suggested would just be obsolete just by that alone, and would basically take up more space on the game that was needed. <br><br>However, if it was just a simple open close tab to click on. I would be for that. Only because then some of us that have "Closed to Public" displayed in out litttle description boxes. Could replace that with just a simple click and back and forth for when we open or close our facilities. And it may save a lil space. Im unsure, but just that alone is all that I think would be needed. Pricing and etc info should remain the way it is. Just my two cents.<br><br>Regards,<br>Todd
  • Kinda what I was trying to say but put much better by you (mTodd)! The open or close option would be wonderful, now, I do think the prices would be nice too but I would MUCH rather have the Open or Close switch thingy.<br><br>
    If haveing the prices also is to complecated then just the Open or Closed would be nice :D
  • yeah but i'm thinking there should be like a search for who is open and closed. and like a price search if not too complicated. <br><br>And I know people have whether they're open or not in the kennel information but every time i hit the "Next 20" thing about half of them are the same and most of them are closed. So it would take a while of searching for someone who is open.
  • i think this is a great idea it would help alot
  • I likes the liddle Open/Closed thinger... It really bugs me when people message me trying to be my friend, and five minutes later they ask if I'll train for them... e_e; If it says 'CLOSED' it means 'CLOSED' not 'CLOSED WITH ACCEPTIONS TO FRIENDS', although I do that sometimes... Nevermind, shutting up... 'Nuff ranting!
  • yeah. i hate that too.<br>this would reduce (yet not stop) people msging you "can you train for me?"
  • Maybe you should post you idea in the "<span style="font-weight:bold">Announcement:</span> <span style="text-decoration:underline">Suggestions for Updates</span>" section... that way it might get implemanted this wednesday (if that's when their making all the updates)... :?
  • Made. Thanks Rose Cooper :D
  • On the little box in the ONLINE NOW section, although some people do show whether training is open or closed it is not always current. Some people who say training is open there are often not open for training is this is sometimes annoying and time consuming.<br><br>I think a simple click to state whether training is open or not, and maybe even a small section for pricing. It would take up too much room, or you could even just a a small box in which you write prices if you want but if you dont want, you dont have to and the bix remains empty.<br><br>Am I making any sense? probably not.... :P<br><br>All in all, I very much agree with the idea :P
  • thanks for all the feedback on my idea people<br><br> :D
  • I created a poll.<br> :D <br>Please vote people! Thanks!
  • Although some people put out prices and if there open or closed, even I have Closed to Public in my little description box, I'm actually open. I don't have time to go change it. So even though it says there open or it says there closed sometimes it just hasn't been updated. I still think the open or closed option is good but I also would like the purices too, I hate repeating my prices over and over to just get a "Sorry that is to exspensive for me."
  • I asked Nef about a way to fine tune searches on VP and she said it would tie up the server or something.<br><br>Also there's no set date on when we get updates, just whenever Nef actually finishes coding everything, unless something's been announced that I'm not aware of o.0
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