I get to get them out Tuesday. Oh joy. Im actually not that worried about it, but I just dont wanna be laid up lol.<br><br>Anyways I was wondering who else has had theirs out? My best friend just got hers out Thursday. I made her pudding and shes going to make me some. I was wondering if when I start to eat if I should go with hot or cold foods first? What are some good foods to eat? I already have, ice cream, pudding, yogurt, apple sauce, and mashed potatoes. I know to take my meds and get lots of sleep, and no straws or sucking. Any other advice? <br><br>And if I make a post thats loopy or doesnt make an sense, after Tuesday morning, thats why lol. <br><br>Thanks ahead of time
we will see
Please Pm me if I win