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Wisdom Teeth

edited July 2010 in General Discussion
I get to get them out Tuesday. Oh joy. Im actually not that worried about it, but I just dont wanna be laid up lol.<br><br>Anyways I was wondering who else has had theirs out? My best friend just got hers out Thursday. I made her pudding and shes going to make me some. I was wondering if when I start to eat if I should go with hot or cold foods first? What are some good foods to eat? I already have, ice cream, pudding, yogurt, apple sauce, and mashed potatoes. I know to take my meds and get lots of sleep, and no straws or sucking. Any other advice? <br><br>And if I make a post thats loopy or doesnt make an sense, after Tuesday morning, thats why lol. <br><br>Thanks ahead of time <3


  • I got mine out in January.. my dentist is really weird and I was supposed to be put under for the surgery.. but they didn't give me enough systemic anesthesia for my weight so I was awake the whole time, just closing my eyes. It was painful but that won't happen to you probably. :( <br><br>Advice.. don't eat anything acidic especially if you're taking the pain medicines after. That can result in DISGUSTING stomach aches like I had. Have lots of yogurt because that's healthy, and try to stay away from sugars because of the penicillins in the medicines, they will give you yeast infections. Penicillin x sugar = hell. So things like icecream, milkshakes, pudding even, no. I had lots of soup, yogurt, and juice, jello which made me sick, and.. that's about it. I lost like 10 pounds lol. Wash out your mouth and brush your teeth softly but try to more or less stay away from the wounds; just slosh the toothpastey spit around there (trying to sound the least gross haha!) and keep it clean that way.<br><br>Hope that helps.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • i had mine out last month. it wasnt to bad. When i first wake up from the surgrey i couldn't stop crying. and i dont the nurse that i thought my dentist was hot. >.< (in my defense he is very handsome.)
  • LOL! I wouldn't want my dentist to be hot! :oops:
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • Does the surgery make you loopy?
  • molly6173 wrote:
    Does the surgery make you loopy?
    <br><br>yes very much d:
  • Im willing to risk the sugar thing because I really dont like soup. And I dont really like Jello either lol. Thanks for warning me though (:<br><br>And my surgeon is I dont think hes hot lol. I just asked everyone to not talk or text me because I was afriad of what Id say lol
  • Sybhat3 wrote:
    <br>And my surgeon is I dont think hes hot lol. I just asked everyone to not talk or text me because I was afriad of what Id say lol
    <br><br>my mom let me call my boyfriend >.<<br>i just told him i felt funny and that i liked his dimples.
  • Sybhat3 wrote:
    <br>And my surgeon is I dont think hes hot lol. I just asked everyone to not talk or text me because I was afriad of what Id say lol
    <br><br>my mom let me call my boyfriend >.<<br>i just told him i felt funny and that i liked his dimples.
    <br><br>Aww thats cute!
  • i also told my mom secrets i knew about my brother and i said a few bad words d:
  • Oh Im sure my mouth is going to be quite colorful. And I never cuss in front of my mom, so this is going to be interesting xD
  • Sybhat3 wrote:
    Oh Im sure my mouth is going to be quite colorful. And I never cuss in front of my mom, so this is going to be interesting xD
    <br>yay for secrets!<br><br>Good luck Cybers
    we will see
    Please Pm me if I win
  • Thanks Maddeh (:
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