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What Do YOU Think?....

edited December 2005 in Game Suggestions
I think there should be items available to buy, like food, collars, leashes and toys, maybe even whelping boxes and things for the newborn puppies. If you vote, post you reason for voting the way you did here!


  • this has already been suggested and I vote no because it'll just make things more confusing, I took my first look at vhr last night and I don't think I'll be going back! Talk about complicated! There are so many different things you have to buy, I'm broke after buying one horse and a bridle, I don't have money for a saddle or even horseshoes!
  • you dont need that kind of stuff buy a cheap starter horse and a vaccination I could loan you 100k on that game just post your name here
  • hey thanks for the offer :D I already bought a horse for 80k, a spanish something I can't remember, LOL! I just wanted to buy one horse to start out with until I know what I'm doing, my playername on vhr is kristin, and I'll gladly give you 100k in vp cash for 100k on vhr :D <br>vhr seems a whole lot more complicated than vp! I started breaking in my horse a little bit, as far as the items there are so many it's overwhelming and I have no idea where to start or what is necessary! are the horse shoes important though?
  • No Its will be too much like furry paws
  • no shoes are important and the trade sounds good mine will be under chloe149(vhr) and send my 100k to opera_horse(vp)
  • ok will do and thanks again!<br><br>ok contract made, it will be from kk20 (one of my extra kennels)
  • ok mines is there under chloe149
  • auntkk28 wrote:
    vhr seems a whole lot more complicated than vp! I started breaking in my horse a little bit, as far as the items there are so many it's overwhelming and I have no idea where to start or what is necessary! are the horse shoes important though?
    <br><br>The only items I use are vacines and shoes... But sometimes other items help your horse out in events, although I don't think they're neccissary (and I may be wrong 'cause I don't like events on VHR).
  • I say no. To much to bog down the system already. The site spead might even be slower *shudders*
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift... That's why it's called 'The Present"
  • I also say 'no'. Not only will it be overly confusing but it'd be alot of extra stuff that's quite unneeded...
  • I said yes, but I'm in the MAYBE section. Only because it WOULD slow down the internet a lot, but it would also make it more realistic! :)
  • i say no. this isnt really the kind of game that we need that kind of stuff. I mean, if this was like that uh, petz5 game or somthin like that (for some of you that know that game, i have it ) then we could probly use them and it make the game better, but in this kind of game, there arnt many uses for leashs :roll:
    My Main Kennel

    Due to lack of funds, the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off.
  • I also say no, agreeing with Taurus. It would make the game too much like Furrypaws, way too childish. I'm surprised I had to say it, DeeDee is usually jumping on these topics :D
  • I dislike this idea for a few reasons.. Even though vhr may seem to have more choices and etc ie sadling, shoeing and etc. Yet as stated its complicated. I myself am very well liking the simplicity of vp. If it was complicated. It would make some jobs harder for people ie the ops / mods etc.. Also, its not hard for me to confuse myself. Let alone have someone or something help get me confused. Is not really something I want.<br><br>If this was implimented, what would be the choices, dog food. Well thats already fed when ya take a turn. Leashes? Lets just pretend like we have been, no need to want to buy a 6' leash or a 16' leash. I just honestly dont see where items would be fit in. Harness vs collars? I dont know. As stated , I just think that the amt of items vs site productivity isnt worth the space that it would take up.<br><br>Regards,<br>Todd
  • i think yes, but only if ppl would like to buy stuff for their dogs,only if it would not be compulsory,i agree it may make VP more complicated but it would be fun too,i think it is a great idea
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