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A very veryy small rant.

edited July 2010 in Vent
It's <span style="font-weight:bold">kah-neh</span>, not <span style="font-weight:bold">cain</span> !<br><br>I hate it when people say "cane" as in "candy cane" when they're talking about the Cane Corso. <br><br>I was on this other site and a girl asked, "How do you actually pronounce "Cane Corso"?<br><br>And this guy said, "There are many forms accepted including Cane as in candy cane, "Connie" Corso, and "Canny" Corso."<br><br>I was like NOOOOOOOO! LOL but seriously. It's KAH-NAY and that's it!<br><br>Also I enjoy it when people call it "Cane" for short. "Cane" means "dog" in Italian so you could basically be talking about ANY breed, plus there are other breeds with "cane" in their name. To refer to a Cane Corso, just "corso" is correct. <br><br>I correct people politely and they hate me after. I know people are just people and if they are misinformed it's not their fault. It's just.. like.. :roll: yeah. Whatever. lol.
"war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.


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