i cant really read the text.<br>you should try using <a href="http://www.gimp.org/" target="_blank" class="bb-url">gimp</a><br>its free (:<br>practice makes perfect
i cant really read the text.<br>you should try using <a href="http://www.gimp.org/" target="_blank" class="bb-url">gimp</a><br>its free (:<br>practice makes perfect
you put the first pic on then you add a layer (up top under lay it says new layer you click that then somthing pops up and you click ok) then paste your 2nd picture. the hard part is making it look good. mess with the Opacity rotation and mode. also there is a box called layers you can move the layers around in there and stuff d: i used three pictures i think and two fonts xD
you have to erase it in your toolbox there should be somthing that looks like an eraser click, then make the brush one of the fuzzy ones, you can chaneg the size on the scale, you you can just erase what you'd like, i suggest zooming in for the best result