I have a torn acl. I have to stay down for sveral weeks. This is day 1 and it's killing me. I have already spent too much time on it though. I hurt it getting off a coaster for goodness sakes. I was on it for around 9 hours after hurting it. I thought it was just a bruised knee nothing more. I was dead wrong. If I don't stay down I'll have to have surgery. Not something I want. It just makes me so mad. I can't do anything.
Its depressing knowing I can't just get up and go get a glass of water without hurting myself more. I know it could be a lot worse and I could have to have surgery but it's not much comfort. Anyone else ever had to deal with this? I feel like I'm whining and sorry if it comes across like that. <br><br>Cookies to all who reads. <br><br>~Triss
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