Okay so I wanted to suggest a new breed for the game.

<br><br>Doberdane is a designer breed of dog that is half Doberman and half Great Dane. Both the Doberman breed and the Great Dane breed are nearly perfect as-is, but we think we can do better. We think Dobermans are just a bit too small. Also, we think we can improve on their temperament. Doberman dogs maintain eternal vigilance, and if their owners hope to avoid lawsuits, they had better maintain eternal vigilance as well, because their dogs are...shall we say, manic? Great Danes have the opposite problem: they are too big, and they don't have an aggressive bone in their body. If you were to combine the two breeds, choosing the very best candidates for size, temperament, and color (no white, please!) you would get a dog that was greater than the sum of its parts. German history has demonstrated that it is sick and wrong to try to engineer a master race of humans, but we think its fine to create a German master race of dogs. That is, in fact, the mission of Drachenwald Doberdanes.<br><br><a href="
http://www.saxonwarlord.com/Drachenwald_Doberdanes.php" target="_blank" class="bb-url">
