<span style="font-size:84">Ok, so today..I had an extremely interesting day [: and I wanna finally get it off my chest ^.^<br><br>First off:<br><br>-Thursday, I went to the doctors. Found out I'm pregnant O.o. (It's a good thing)<br><br>Secondly: <br><br>I had to tell my fiance about it. I wanted to do it in a cute way because he wants a kid. So, today..I decided to tell him [:<br><br>This morning, I woke him up with breakfast in bed. [: After that, we watched "Dear John" (that was his idea) ahha. He <span style="font-style:italic">loved</span> it. [: After the "Dear John" movie, we went horseback riding at his parent's ranch/thing ahha. <br><br>Well, after the ranch, we went out to eat at La Rosa's (his favorite place) and we ate there. Like 10 minutes after we left, his boss (who was in on it) called him. Their Convo:<br><br>Terry(boss): Eric, something showed up for you here.<br>Eric: Uh, ok?<br>Terry: I need you here, now.<br>Eric: Terry, I'm with Tia.<br>Terry: Eric, now. <br>Eric: Fine whatever, we'll be there in 15. <br><br>-end convo-<br><br>So, they got off the phone and the <span style="font-style:italic">whole</span> way there, Eric complained about how Terry is ruining our night (Saturday is usually when we spend all day together) so, he was cursing and complaining the whole drive to his work. So, we get there, and his boss hands him a manilla envelope. [:<br><br>In the Manilla Envelope, four papers.<br><br>Paper 1:<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Day at Amusement Park</span> $56<br><br>Paper 2:<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Romantic Evening out to Eat</span> $76<br><br>Paper 3:<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Romantic Carriage Ride Through Park:</span> $25<br><br>Paper 4:<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Knowing there are 3 people in this picture:</span> <span style="font-style:italic">Priceless</span> (attached to this picture [*no personal pics]<br><br>It took him a second to get it, but he finally understood and went <span style="font-style:italic">crazy</span><br><br>He got all excited, asked how many weeks (8 btw) and he got so excited. [: <br><br><span style="font-style:italic">Reason he wants a kid bad:</span><br><br>His mom has cancer (don't remember what kind) and it's getting worse..he's wanting her to see her first grandkid before anything happens. <br><br>So, we're going to tell his mom at her birthday party next Saturday [: buying her stuff that says "world best Gramma" [: <br><br>I've never seen someone as excited as he was when he finally figured out what I meant [: ooh..convo:<br><br>Eric: Three people? It's just me & you.<br>Me: Mhm...<br>Eric: So..<br>Me: So?<br>Eric: OMG YOU'RE PREGNANT?!<br>Me: Mhmm<br>Eric: -picks me up in a hug- OMG<br><br>[: <br><br>So today, was ahmazing ^.^</span>

Temporary Training -- Breeding -- Showing -- Gifty Holding -- Decoy Line
Temporary Training -- Breeding -- Showing -- Gifty Holding -- Decoy Line
Temporary Training -- Breeding -- Showing -- Gifty Holding -- Decoy Line
Temporary Training -- Breeding -- Showing -- Gifty Holding -- Decoy Line