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coloring contest

so this is a coloring contest, like you'll be coloring a picture for me, no drawing required. (: the drawing is by skittles, i didn't draw it, i can't draw to save my lifee. anwyay, we'll move on.<br><br>picture: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... onevee.gif</a> <br><br>colors: whatever you want, don't feel limited to the real colors of the pokemon, have fun.<br><br>rules,<br>you must must must leave skittles' copyright on, that's not an option to come off, though you can move it, make is smaller or whatever to fit your picturee.<br>i'd love if you colored a background on it, but it's not required.<br>the names don't have to stay on and they don't have to stay in a circle if you feel you can make it work with moving them, feel free.<br>the work needs to be your own, though i don't know how you could possibly cheat.<br>and, i have the right to end it without a winner.<br><br>winner gets: 5 mill


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