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OH its another vent UGHHHERRGHHH

edited July 2010 in Vent
Okay so you know where this is going. Someone on vp asked me to breed there dogs(i am a sponsor breeder), which was no problem at first. Then I get this message saying "oh just so you know when you breed my dogs I don't have the room for them, so i'd need them leased to me"..........-_- *sigh* Okay again I can handle that. I then tell them " If you want me to hold them for you it would cost you about 360 (holding someone else's dogs plus mine you're kidding right?)" They respond "But the dogs wouldn't be in your care and they don't get benefits from being in your kennel.AGAIN I reply " Well heres the catch They're technically in MY kennel and a lease only lasts for ONE week. Once the lease is up they're stuck in MY kennel." Slightly frustrated......if you don't have room for your pups you shouldn't ask someone to breed for you, or you should make sure you have the room for the pups. It states on my kennel page you have 10mins after pups are born to claim them (unless I'm offline). Makes sense right?


  • i agree! I hate it when proplr dont claim their pups.
  • Well that and I'd have to keep leasing the pups out to them every week! I mean come on. But I made a compromise though I'm still a little irritated about the whole thing.
  • No, you wouldn't have to continue renewing the lease.. As long as you don't reclaim the dogs, they will stay on lease. Just make sure you allow for enough turns.<br><br>Shoot, I had 4 dogs of Ori's for almost 2 years on the same contracts.<br><br>You realize, if you get rid of dogs within 10 minutes of birthing, you could get into trouble. We don't enforce player made rules and if the other player gets called away from the computer for any reason (Mother wants them to take out the garbage, NOW.. Had to run outside and roll up windows on the cars because it started to rain.. Internet connection failed.. computer crashed, etc, etc) and comes back to you having released the dogs, you may have to refund the breeding fees, including stud fees.<br><br>You need to allow a reasonable time period for someone to collect their dogs. I'd suggest at least 24 hours and only if they've been online within that time. The game can show someone being online for a good 20 minutes after they've lost connection. I would also suggest before you release someone else's pups, that you contact a game Op to CYA "cover your ass" in case the other person decides to get ugly and accuse you of scamming.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • I know bama I was just irritated at the time of putting rules on my kennel because I've been so nice to people by holding their pups for them and then they don't even want them! And then I try to sell them and no one buys them. lol I get what you're sayin though Bama.
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